Nvidia makes EIDOS pull down patch


Aug 27, 2002
Apparantly, Nvidia has made EIDOS (Tomb-Raider, Angel of Darkness), pull down the benchmarking patch.
EIDOS Interactive, the publisher for Tomb Raider: Angel of Darkness issued a patch a couple of weeks ago for the game which happened to include a way to use the game as a DX9 benchmark. Since it shows NVIDIA hardware performing slower than ATI, EIDOS has pulled it down. Remember, this is a "Way it's meant to be played" game, which means NVIDIA has paid EIDOS marketing money. Keep in mind, that this patch improved performance on both ATI and NVIDIA hardware. Here's a bs statement from EIDOS Europe:

"It has come to the attention of Eidos that an unreleased patch for Tomb Raider: AOD has unfortunately been used as the basis for videocard benchmarking. While Eidos and Core appreciate the need for modern benchmarking software that utilizes the advanced shading capabilities of modern graphics hardware, Tomb Raider: AOD Patch 49 was never intended for public release and is not a basis for valid benchmarking comparisons. Core and Eidos believe that Tomb Raider: AOD performs exceptionally well on NVIDIA hardware." - Paul Baldwin, Eidos
The article can be found <A HREF="http://www.gamersdepot.com/index.asp" target="_new"> here </A>. What's next, Nvidia making Valve take down their benchmark utility?

As each day goes by, I hug my 9600Pro just a little tighter.


Jan 4, 2003

ATi- 0


nah they'll "optimize" HL2 so it'll waste ATi

Proud Owner the Block Heater
120% nVidia Fanboy
PROUD OWNER OF THE GEFORCE FX 5900ULTRA <-- I wish this was me
I'd get a nVidia GeForce FX 5900Ultra... if THEY WOULD CHANGE THAT #()#@ HSF


Feb 18, 2003
Bah you beat me to it!!!

Nah, Valve is too big for Nvidia to bully. And you gotta remember Tomb Raider is a TWIMTBP so Eidos don't want to lose those marketing cash(properly the only thing that Eidos making profit on this game :wink: )

Core and Eidos believe that Tomb Raider: AOD performs exceptionally well on NVIDIA hardware." - Paul Baldwin, Eidos
Funny :tongue:


Dec 30, 2001
Its so lame the way Nvidia is covering their arses with bribe tactics today. I just don't understand how they will profit by this in the long run. The gaming/enthusiast community is now more than aware enough to know htat we have to watch-dog every of Nvidia's sly moves.

My OS features preemptive multitasking, a fully interactive command line, & support for 640K of RAM!


Feb 17, 2001
Good for nVidia, useing their market strength to give more time to the driver development team. Needless to say the current Det's 51.75's give 25% boost to PS 2.0 performance from what I have seen. As well image quality for somethings have increased (textures). You notice it in UT2003 where the grass looks a bit worse but the metalic walls look much better. Gotta take some to give some I guess. But Ive said this before the Det 50's seem to get rid of the occational stutter us FX users have undoubtably noticed.


:evil: <A HREF="http://service.futuremark.com/compare?2k1=6940439" target="_new">Busting Sh@t Up!!!</A> :evil:
:evil: <A HREF="http://service.futuremark.com/compare?2k3=1228088" target="_new">Busting More Sh@t Up!!!</A> :evil:


Where did you see that? It seems that the IQ for the det50's is crap.

<A HREF="http://skulls.sytes.net/tom/" target="_new">12 bit... The way games are meant to be played!</A>


Oct 29, 2002
Core and Eidos believe that Tomb Raider: AOD performs exceptionally well on NVIDIA hardware." - Paul Baldwin, Eidos




<A HREF="http://www.teenirc.net/chat/tomshardware.html" target="_new"> come to THGC chat~ NOW. dont make me get up ffs @#@$</A>


Sep 7, 2002
hehe.. anyone who loves capitalism loves nvidia, not? :D i think i can take them as a bad mutant of capitalistic thought:
don't produce anything, but use marketing and money to sell it anyways, at higher price.
interesting how good nvidia till now covered their ass to not make any "illegal step". till now, it was all "$$$legal$$$", or preorganized with NDA style documents.

what will they do against valve? i don't know.

anyone read the thing with tiger woods 2003? looks like they $$$got$$$ EA under their control, too.. :|

"take a look around" - limp bizkit



Mar 4, 2003
What? where did you see the Det 50s? All the betas I saw were crap. Image quality went down through the toilet. In fact...there's about 3 threads here just on that. You got any links to support for your claim?

<font color=blue>other people's lives
seem more interesting
cuz they aint mine
</font color=blue>
<font color=green>Modest Mouse</font color=green>



Aug 2, 2002
Good TKS!

Asking for FACT, not only "Hey guys, it looks better on my system!".

We want screenshots and we really need an OFFICIAL Detonator 50 to stop all these threads about how good and bad are nVidia/ATI.

I stick to the fact : Now, ATI have the edge.

Would you buy a GPS enabled soap bar?


Feb 17, 2001
Ill do it on my machine today, im getting my new board and mem. Well not today cause i have to work tonight but ill get in in the next few days ill show you the grass and metal suface difference between the drivers.


:evil: <A HREF="http://service.futuremark.com/compare?2k1=6940439" target="_new">Busting Sh@t Up!!!</A> :evil:
:evil: <A HREF="http://service.futuremark.com/compare?2k3=1228088" target="_new">Busting More Sh@t Up!!!</A> :evil:


Aug 27, 2002
Coolsquirtle, your score board should read more like:



Nvidia's catching up!
Comparing Nvidia's recent accomplishments with the above scoreboard, it seems Nvidia is threating to beat the referee up (EIDIOS), (or have already done it, in the case of 3dMark 2003), and in the EA case, buying the fans. They would be putting a black cloth over the tv camera's (lieing about the performance, and their marketing crap), meanwhile putting all their players on steroids.

Funny thing is, ATI is just there playing the game, concentrating on it, and is whooping Nvidia's butt.

As each day goes by, I hug my 9600Pro just a little tighter.


Feb 20, 2003
Man if Nvidea keep up this bs I will never buy a product of theirs ever again. Oh look we suck so lets pay everyone lots of money to make us look good. FFS they get worse every passing day...

If ATI bribed someone like EIDOS, everyone would go crazy...

<A HREF="http://service.futuremark.com/compare?2k1=7000747" target="_new"> 3D-2001 </A>
<A HREF="http://service.futuremark.com/compare?2k3=1284380" target="_new"> 3D-03 </A>
<font color=red> 120% overclocker </font color=red> (cheapskate)


What I'm really interested in seeing (and what probably makes the Nvidia management cringe) is what happens when all of the people who invested in Nvidia GeforceFX hardware spend more of their hard earned cash on Half-Life 2, put in in their machines, and fire it up:

"WTF? Why is it running so slow compared to my buddy's cheap Radeon 9600? And why does it look worse?"

That will be the day of reckoning.

Radeon 9500 (modded to PRO w/8 pixel pipelines)
AMD AthlonXP 2000+
3dMark03: 3529
I don't think they will come to that realization very quickly, I think there will be alot of denial. Like thinking it must be my CPU, there's something wrong with my drivers, there's a glitch in the game, etc.
I doubt they will blame the most expensive piece of equipement in their rig (depending on their monitor/CPU), they will try and find something else, ANYTHING else to blame.

- You need a licence to buy a gun, but they'll sell anyone a stamp <i>(or internet account)</i> ! <A HREF="http://www.redgreen.com" target="_new"><font color=green>RED</font color=green> <font color=red>GREEN</font color=red></A> GA to SK :evil:


Sep 18, 2003
I already know the problem is with my GeForceFX 5900 Ultra. I bought the thing, thinking it would hold up for awhile. Less than a month later, I'm already planning to scrap it. Many people out there are hedging all of their bets on a new version of Detonator, but we all know how well that is going to work out. The sad part is, I could have had the right card, sooner, for less money. I'm pissed now.

Veritas en Lux!
Jimmy The Hutt

Think Jabba, only with more hair and vestigal legs.

"This isn't a nightmare, it's real. Nightmare end."


Dec 30, 2001
I think your making the right choice. I wish others who bought the FX cards tought as you do.

My OS features preemptive multitasking, a fully interactive command line, & support for 640K of RAM!
I won't disuad you from your decision but really, if you can (depends on your return arangements), I would wait for a fnalized benchmarks review (when they can do all sorts of this to the game) and wait for the actual performance figures of the new Dets (not that I hold out any hope). Also waiting to by the ATI until at least the R9800XT is released makes good sense on alot of levels, but mainly economically.
Unless you have an RMA/RETURN timeframe situation, then wait a little bit to be sure that everything is really as it appeard and that you don't jump the gun. Also the prices may be cheaper in even THAT short a time.

Just my two frames worth.

- You need a licence to buy a gun, but they'll sell anyone a stamp <i>(or internet account)</i> ! <A HREF="http://www.redgreen.com" target="_new"><font color=green>RED</font color=green> <font color=red>GREEN</font color=red></A> GA to SK :evil:


Aug 27, 2002
Well, from what I've seen, the beta's do increase the frames in half-life 2, but at the result of image quality. I don't think anything Nvidia does will be able to help the fx line. The way I look at it, and comparing it to a car, you got the hardware (engine) and body (drivers). If you take a pos engine (think 2 valve, 1 liter engine), and put it into a hummer, it's going to suck. You then put that engine into a ferrari, and it still sucks. Finally, you put it into a Corolla, and guess what? It still sucks. I don't think drivers will be Nvidia's saving grace. Subsequent drivers will only decrease the image quality to boost frames. The problem is the hardware, and drivers won't be able to fix that.

As each day goes by, I hug my 9600Pro just a little tighter.


Jan 4, 2003

Proud Owner the Block Heater
120% nVidia Fanboy
PROUD OWNER OF THE GEFORCE FX 5900ULTRA <-- I wish this was me
I'd get a nVidia GeForce FX 5900Ultra... if THEY WOULD CHANGE THAT #()#@ HSF
I agree for the most part, but it may be that the FX5900U excels in other areas, my main point (which definitely isn't defending nV) is that no one should RMA return a product until the official reviews are in and the game ships. Maybe there's something strange going on. Unless there's a real rush, he's not going to get any benifit or lose any benifit from returning it this very second versus returning it once the benchmark is freely in the hands of reviews, and (by nice coincidence) the R9800XT arrives on the market to push down the prices of the cards he'd be able to buy today. That's all I'm saying. People usually just knee-jerk into a bad choice. I'm just saying that if there is no RMA dealine or return rush, then wait a bit, and see what develops. That's All. I definitely don't expect the DET 50s to solve anything, but I think there is no rush so it doesn't hurt to be patient, the game in question (HL2) isn't even out yet, and even Tomb Raider isn't really a make or break title like HL2.

- You need a licence to buy a gun, but they'll sell anyone a stamp <i>(or internet account)</i> ! <A HREF="http://www.redgreen.com" target="_new"><font color=green>RED</font color=green> <font color=red>GREEN</font color=red></A> GA to SK :evil: