Nvidia Panel Missing Tabs


Feb 3, 2016
Hey guys, so I discovered this sort of silly bug. I am asking about it hear because I dont need another guy telling me to reinstall drivers at Nvidia. Done that before.
So I did a fresh install last weekend, Windows 10 anniversary and it has been good so far. On my last install I jumped from 8.1 and always had issues. One thing my last PC build did was occasionally loose tabs on the Nvidia control panel drove me nuts, went through so many driver re-installtions!
I never restart my pc much, I usually just power it down when done...then ill power it up when using it, but today when (restarting) my fresh install of 10 I noticed again, I have lost the options in the Nvidia control panel, all it says is GTX 1080SLI and theres a Gsync Tab. Nothing else.
Now... when I power off the PC and start it up the panel is there and nothing is missing, why is it only when I restart the PC that the Panels tabs are gone? I saw some other people with this issue but...it never has been resolved as far as I can tell.
Please dont tell me reinstall drivers, been done a ton of times, I also do clean installs as well.
Sounds like its sometimes using the Microsoft provided driver for Nvidia. This version does not include all of the tabs you'd expect to find in nvidia's control panel.

Get ready... here it comes...

You need to reinstall. First, I would download and use DDU ( http://www.wagnardmobile.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=624 )to completely remove all remnants of nvidia driver files. There's also an option to block the install of the Microsoft provided driver. Clear all of that out of there, and then install nvidia's latest release driver.

Now, if you've already done all of that but didn't include the specifics in the original post, I apologize.
Sounds like its sometimes using the Microsoft provided driver for Nvidia. This version does not include all of the tabs you'd expect to find in nvidia's control panel.

Get ready... here it comes...

You need to reinstall. First, I would download and use DDU ( http://www.wagnardmobile.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=624 )to completely remove all remnants of nvidia driver files. There's also an option to block the install of the Microsoft provided driver. Clear all of that out of there, and then install nvidia's latest release driver.

Now, if you've already done all of that but didn't include the specifics in the original post, I apologize.


Feb 3, 2016
On my last build, I reinstalled the driver using DDU as many as 5 times on my previous windows install, and every time I restarted the computer same thing happened. As this is a fresh install of windows 10 I didnt even to bother to check for that issue, I restarted it after I ran into an issue with one game today..and there it is again. Seems like my computer likes to specifically throw me back to that driver that comes with windows. Haunted Hardware maybe?
Makes sense. Upon restart, it reverts back to the Microsoft driver for some reason.

I'm not sure why the issue occurs. Maybe it has something to do with permissions or the driver failed to unpack completely, so its working after an install for as long as the system is running. I'm just guessing. Do you have any beta software on the system related to file compression?


Feb 3, 2016
I have no beta software currently. So over the past 20 minutes, I did wipe all drivers and reinstall. I forgot to mention I have windows 10 Pro and it seems like its possibly and issue with this version. I restarted and the problem was still there...missing. Then I powered down and the latest driver enabled itself. I am more so glad its not a crazy hardware issue, thing that sucks ...is I just cant so a simple restart. I cant find a way to disable it without it causing further issues. I also have disable nvidia High Definition audio cause I use realtek and I believe there drivers can conflict with each other and cause lock ups. Its possible due to disabling the nvidia HD audio that Microsoft things theres missing drivers and throws there own version in upon restart only.