Nvidia: PCs are Archaic; Mobile is The Future

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Yeah ok. Nvidia shouldn't bother with the 500 series video cards then. Just focus on mobile now.
It's funny that this week I have read a lot about companies saying PC's are on their way out. Maybe for the 16 year old girls that do nothing but tweet.
"For Nvidia, coming from a PC perspective to the world of mobile, we really see the benefit of the open approach versus that of a closed one"

this is from the company that would shut down physx when a card from another mfg was detected even if you had bought one of their cards!
Of course the VP of Mobile Content is going to say that at a mobile tech conference. It doesn't mean he knows what he's talking about. Personally I don't think it's a coincidence that there's more crap on the internet (twitter comes to mind) since the advent of 'mobile web'. Technology is too freely available now. I think it should be reserved for people who know how to use it, and have something actually useful to say to others (myself excluded) rather than 'check this pic of justin bieber i took on my iphone'. Maybe I'm getting old.
ATI is probably thinking "Yea, that's fine Nvidia. Go ahead and leave the Enthusiast/Scientific/Movie Producing/Server market to us. Because desktops are only capable of doing what phones can do, but a little better. Right?"
Eventually maybe in like 20-30 years maybe we'll will plug in our phones into a thingy that'll give it more processor cores, GPUs, memory, storage, and a nice huge display of some sort. I could see that, and having enthusiast docks and casual user docks, etc. I dont think a little phone can totally replace the pc though. I can see the PC being transformed though.
Yeah sure, it's not tomorrow that it will happen. And I am sure if you compare one of those 1Ghz processor to one today's PC processor clock at the same speed it would still beet the mobile one at 1Ghz

Person whose job depends on mobile tech tells room full of other people whose jobs depend on mobile tech that mobile tech is the future of all things!!!

FILM AT 11!!!

Really, this is a bunch of willy waving and nothing more...
During the panel, Trevett took a jab at Apple and its closed platform. Apparently the company is banking on Android thanks to Google's open approach.

It's not so open if Motorola can lock it down like they are....
Theres an Idiot born every day,

Seriously, he may be a really brilliant man, but he's got blinders on and does'nt see that plenty of people still enjoy the power of a desktop pc and I don't see anything remotely close to the size of a mobile device replacing my desktop anywhere near the next decade. I may be wrong but my old desktop for about a decade ago was not significantly bigger than the one i have now, just that we are constantly learning how to put more into less space, but the form factors are more or less the same, just more performance for less. and 1ghz, omg that is so fast, well show me a cell phone processor with 6 cores that will overclock to 4.5ghz and I'll get excited, but by then who knows we will be using 12-24 core processors and maybe even break the current ghz barrier, love to see a 10ghz processor, but who knows. I do think that mobile devices will get more powerful as time progresses, but does Neil Trevett seriously believe that the likes of Intel and AMD are just going to shut down R & D for their x86 and x64 processors for desktop??? desktop computers will always be more powerful.
When Mobile reaches the point where it's infact a chip implanted in my brain providing all visuals directly to the visual cortex, I make calls via a thought speaking directly into the thoughts of others, all my fps/mmorpg gaming becomes a virtual holodeck all within my own min, at the same time working parallel with my natural brain thus making me turn blue, then perhaps yes, the pc will phase out.
I like to see a mobile phone play Crysis or Bad company 2. NVIDIA is in another time I think. But they better wake up from their dream. Because I am sure that ATI isn't looking into the distant future. ANd giving up their meat and potatoes in desktop graphics card.
[citation][nom]velozzity[/nom]Meant to say does Neil Trevett seriously believe that Intel and AMD will shut down R & D.....desktops will always have the performance advantage.On a side note, Tom's, add edit button, yes i know i should have proofread it, but an edit button would be nice.[/citation]

There is an edit button, it's just not conveniently located.

I doubt there is much money to be made in the mobile sector for Nvidia, sure there are lots of devices that need video chips but it's all low end rubbish which companies expect you to sell them at next to nothing. Low end video chips are a lot like reams of A4 paper for stationers, everybody needs it but everyone beats you down on price for it.
The reality is NVIDIA is obsolete, and ATI/AMD is the future.

Just look at their wonderful 460 PoS that's getting good reviews. It's the same size as the 5870, and performs a lot worse, uses more power, and can't sell for nearly the same price. And this was their successful product of this generation - you know, the one getting the good reviews. It's only getting those reviews because they have to chop the price, compared to the same size ATI. That's a failed design.

But, they are full of insults and bombast. The desktop is going away roughly the same time the desk is. As in day after never.

If you can shove a 485 GTX into a phone, I'll be impressed. Until then, I'll stick with my 1500 dollar "archaic" video game monster!
What a true nvidiot. There will never be a computer powerful enough to handle mankinds creative mind to make games and entertainment. There will always be newer high end systems coming to the market.
Boy do I love web browsing on my QVGA sub-3" Omnia screen, of course these new generation of 4.3" smartphones with no real keyboard will make my browsing experience identical to that of my desktop PC connected to my high-speed broadband that can easily exceed 1-2 Mbps.

Oh, wait, what am I thinking - we already heard from Prince that the internet is a dead fad that is useless. So that means I'll be using my 4.3" WVGA screen and 1 GHz processor with no keyboard to play games. (It can play Crysis?!? Wow.)

I also can't wait to see 1 GHz smartphones editing AVCHD video or used to create animations using something like Flash or Toon Boom. Workstations are often PCs - unless he thinks the workstation market will be taken over by Apple. *sigh*

Outlandish claims require outlandish evidence. Then again, I guess he could point to all the iPad news that seems to tout all these "new" uses of a computer that have been done with existing Tablet PCs for about a decade...
Ok nVidia - Put your money where your mouth is .. I want a tablet like device (KEEP THE SIZE UNDER 19 INCHES DIAGONAL )that can cut, mangle, edit, spit out, re purpose,transcode acquire at a blink of an I in multiple channels. No less than 4 streams of uncompressed HD 1080p 4 streams of NATIVE 2k and 4k RED Capable injest, HDSLR h.264 native editing system .. That can edit and composite upto 12 layers with 3D effects available at any given time and IN REAL TIME !!! ON TOP OF THAT the ability to record, mix and master audio 24 tracks 192khz BroadcastWAV capable Ardour ( or Protools like ) interface with Multitouch screen capable of passing automation cues TO the program for automated mixing and mastering. Must have 10hour battery life per charge 2TB of storage and cost no more than $800.00 ( giver or take 199.99) OH oh oh !!! and for my Gaming friends -- it has to play Crysis at no less than 99fps
BUILD THAT .. and then I will sing the PC "death-knell" "BONG -- BRING OUT YOUR DEAD !!!, BONG-BRING OUT YOUR DEAD!!!" You got 6 months to develop such product .. Ready ? GO !!!!
there will always be a demand for workstations by the entertainment industry, business offices and gamers.

i wouldn't mind having a smartphone that i could use for all my regular computer needs, but i would keep my PC for gaming, torrenting and blu-ray. the biggest hurdle for me is that right now i have nice cheap phone plan for a nice cheap phone. if i got a smartphone and wanted to use it like a computer, i'd have to get a much more expensive phone plan. i really don't feel like paying for 2 internet services.
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