Theres an Idiot born every day,
Seriously, he may be a really brilliant man, but he's got blinders on and does'nt see that plenty of people still enjoy the power of a desktop pc and I don't see anything remotely close to the size of a mobile device replacing my desktop anywhere near the next decade. I may be wrong but my old desktop for about a decade ago was not significantly bigger than the one i have now, just that we are constantly learning how to put more into less space, but the form factors are more or less the same, just more performance for less. and 1ghz, omg that is so fast, well show me a cell phone processor with 6 cores that will overclock to 4.5ghz and I'll get excited, but by then who knows we will be using 12-24 core processors and maybe even break the current ghz barrier, love to see a 10ghz processor, but who knows. I do think that mobile devices will get more powerful as time progresses, but does Neil Trevett seriously believe that the likes of Intel and AMD are just going to shut down R & D for their x86 and x64 processors for desktop??? desktop computers will always be more powerful.