[SOLVED] nvlddmkm Event ID 14...

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Dec 23, 2015
Can't edit in Premiere without this error making my monitor go black and freezing my mouse and everything else until it comes back about 10 seconds later. It seems to ONLY happen in Premiere Pro, regardless if GPU playback is enabled or not. It doesn't happen with gaming so I'm confused as to why it's happening only with Premiere.
Please someone help

I've tried DDU, sfc /scannow, DISM, Memtest and a bunch of other stuff, I'm baffled because it only started TODAY and I've had my PC for years and never had THIS happen, a few bluescreens here and there but not ever this. I even reverted back to the previous drivers (511.65) because I thought that would help but no it didn't.

The description for Event ID 14 from source nvlddmkm cannot be found. Either the component that raises this event is not installed on your local computer or the installation is corrupted. You can install or repair the component on the local computer.

If the event originated on another computer, the display information had to be saved with the event.

The following information was included with the event:

CMDre 00000000 00000200 00000000 00000005 00100042

The message resource is present but the message was not found in the message table

Specs are
Windows 10
EVGA RTX 2080 Super
AMD Ryzen 9 3900x
x570 Aorus Elite
32GB (2x16) G.Skill ram
Corsair RMX 750x
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that evenviewer record tells you that nvlddmkm (gpu driver) is tryin to use function from some library (usualy .dll file) and that function in that library is not available, either library is outdated, corrupted or missing

you can try DDU to wipe your current nvidia drivers and fresh install new gpu drivers
that should probably solve it, if not, than its looking for something in windows shared libraries
run sfc /scannow and dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /Restorehealth in cmd/powershell with admin rights
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Reactions: KyaraM


Dec 23, 2015
that evenviewer record tells you that nvlddmkm (gpu driver) is tryin to use function from some library (usualy .dll file) and that function in that library is not available, either library is outdated, corrupted or missing

you can try DDU to wipe your current nvidia drivers and fresh install new gpu drivers
that should probably solve it, if not, than its looking for something in windows shared libraries
run sfc /scannow and dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /Restorehealth in cmd/powershell with admin rights
I've already ran DDU, installed latest driver and it still happened. Ran DDU installed older driver and it still happens, also ran DISM and SFC before as well and nothing found. Even went as far as to reinstall premiere and still no luck.

C:\Windows\system32>dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /Restorehealth

Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool
Version: 10.0.19041.844

Image Version: 10.0.19044.1526

[==========================100.0%==========================] The restore operation completed successfully.
The operation completed successfully.

C:\Windows\system32>sfc /scannow

Beginning system scan. This process will take some time.

Beginning verification phase of system scan.
Verification 100% complete.

Windows Resource Protection did not find any integrity violations.
okay, go to bios and press F2 key to go into advanced mode, go to Boot page and setup following:
CSM Supports - Enabled
Storage Boot Option Control - UEFI only
then press F10 and save & exit
then tell if that event id 14 goes away


Dec 23, 2015
Still happening even with CSM disabled. :\ Really don't know what is going on, it wasn't happening until Monday and it only happens with premiere but I've fully uninstalled and reinstalled it as well.
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Dec 23, 2015
I'm guessing there is no real fix for this as I've tried literally everything I can. Only guess now is to maybe underclock GPU (It's factory a overclocked EVGA FTW3, but even then it makes no sense as it only started doing this recently) and possibly update bios to latest (I'm one behind the latest update) and see what happens then.
Mar 19, 2022
I'm guessing there is no real fix for this as I've tried literally everything I can. Only guess now is to maybe underclock GPU (It's factory a overclocked EVGA FTW3, but even then it makes no sense as it only started doing this recently) and possibly update bios to latest (I'm one behind the latest update) and see what happens then.

Did the underclock wor? I have the same error. I can use my pc but apps randomly crash and blue screens :/
I have nvidia asus tuf 1660OC, Amd 5 3600x and 32gb of ram.

I have overclocked the GPU and CPU. Could it be because of that. Now everything is on default
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Dec 23, 2015
Did the underclock wor? I have the same error. I can use my pc but apps randomly crash and blue screens :/
I have nvidia asus tuf 1660OC, Amd 5 3600x and 32gb of ram.

I have overclocked the GPU and CPU. Could it be because of that. Now everything is on default
I believe it slightly helped lessen the chances of it happening, I need to keep tweaking mine to see if I can fix mine cuz I still have the issue. If you do underclock it keep messing with it till you find a good spot and it may fix it but obviously don't go too low.


Dec 23, 2015
I have also tried:
• Turning Digital Vibrance back to 50 on both monitors
• Disabling XMP
• Using DDU to remove and re-install video drivers
• Installing Windows updates
• Uninstalling Windows updates
• Reinstalled Windows 10 64 bit completely fresh on an entirely new drive
• Disabling my second monitor
• Playing on a lower resolution
• Modifying the registry to increase the TdrDelay setting (up to 60 seconds)
• Monitored my GPU and CPU temps and there's no overheating
• Turning off GSYNC (I run fixed refresh)
• Turning off anti-virus
• Reseating the GPU AND switching to other PCIE lane
• Underclocking GPU
• Uninstalling MSI Afterburner
• Uninstalling Ryzen Master
• Turning off GPU LED's
• Ensuring Chrome is closed when editing
• Changing Windows power options to use max performance, with Link State Power Management off as well
• Installing Studio Drivers (didn't help either!)

Here is my speccy link http://speccy.piriform.com/results/HTlXPx2CjnZ6uUIWASMuud1
Here is my Firestrike test results http://www.3dmark.com/fs/27498124
HWInfo Screenshots and LOG while Firestrike was running (Also has Reliability Monitor Report) https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1DyHKwSJwN_GTB346-dVAbmF0wG6-JW2S?usp=sharing

Someone has to be able to tell me SOMETHING from all that, right?
Apr 2, 2022
I got the nvlddmkm 14 error on every reboot after updating my GPU drivers to the latest one, seen a reddit post and someone pointed out that any driver past 511.23 introduces this issue, seems to be the case as I haven't encountered it since. Try reverting back to 511.23, don't be in a rush to RMA your card over running into an issue that is more than likely software related.
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Dec 23, 2015
I downgraded all the way to 472.12 drivers (tried both studio and game ready after running DDU both times and installing them fresh) and I can conclude it's more than likely my GPU.
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