Question NZXT Kraken Elite display not showing RED color. Red is orange.


Jan 26, 2016

I just bought it and noticed when I select red color on CAM nzxt program, on the AIO display red color is shown as orange. So, all types of red are all types of orange.
Everything else is working just fine, pump, rgb fans, controllers, etc. Also, there's CPU fan error and I need to press F1 after every boot.

I've contacted support in the USA and they want to start RMA, but they noticed that I'm from EU, and they send me to EU support. They declined RMA and we're in negotiations.

- bios updated
- windows updated
- CAM updated
- everything properly connected, triple checked.

So, anyone faced the issue?



Regarding the CPU Fan Error, check this detail of your installation. The multi-headed breakout cable that plugs into the side of the PUMP has one arm with a 3-hole connector that MUST go the your mobo's CPU_FAN header (or possibly at PUMP header). This sends the speed signal of the pump to that header. If that CPU_FAN header does NOT receive a speed signal from something it will prop up that warning so you know that CPU cooling is not working. Or at least, that's what the mobo thinks when it gets NO speed there.
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Regarding the CPU Fan Error, check this detail of your installation. The multi-headed breakout cable that plugs into the side of the PUMP has one arm with a 3-hole connector that MUST go the your mobo's CPU_FAN header (or possibly at PUMP header). This sends the speed signal of the pump to that header. If that CPU_FAN header does NOT receive a speed signal from something it will prop up that warning so you know that CPU cooling is not working. Or at least, that's what the mobo thinks when it gets NO speed there.
It's working fine and I can change speeds... I tried both variants and it was the same. I left it on cpu fan header.