Ah, there's nothing better than seeing thousands of little children dressed up in who knows what going around from house to house asking for candy. Furthermore, there's nothing better than seeing adults dressed up in some of the strangest costumers known to man getting drunk and doing even stupider things than usual. On that note, I'm taking this year off, as I'm far too lazy to throw anything together and then walk around attempting to coral and contain my younger relatives in their attempt to get high as kites off of sugar.
You would think though that such a "holiday" has it's roots somewhere in our collective past and you are correct. Don't worry, it's not an event made up by the commercial sector. Being a man of history, here is your Halloween history lesson in info-graph form (if you cannot tell, I love these things):
You would think though that such a "holiday" has it's roots somewhere in our collective past and you are correct. Don't worry, it's not an event made up by the commercial sector. Being a man of history, here is your Halloween history lesson in info-graph form (if you cannot tell, I love these things):