Obama won nearly two-thirds of the Hispanic vote in 2008 by courting them with promises of "comprehensive immigration reform." Once he became president, many Latinos figured he'd move on the issue right away, given that the Democrats controlled the White House and both Houses of Congress with huge majorities. That never happened. Immigration was moved to the backburner, behind economic "stimuli" and ObamaCare. As a result of that and the poor economy which has resulted in astronomical unemployment rates among Hispanics, Obama's job approval among that group has slipped to the low to mid 50's. He has some repair work to do, which is why he went to Texas to give a totally political speech that lacked any kind of legislative seriousness. As he stood in the shadow of a giant Mexican flag, Obama mocked Republicans and others who want to see the border secured before we have any further discussion on immigration: "Maybe they'll want a moat....with alligators," he sneered. Actually, that's not a bad idea. The point is that Obama knows any new stab at immigration reform isn't going anywhere before 2012. But he also knows that he cannot win re-election without the big support of Latinos, so he went to Texas this week to pander to them in the most transparent way. We'll see if they fall for his line of BS again.
-Gen. Santa Ana