OC amd 939 4400+


May 9, 2009
Ive been trying to get my 4400 past 2.5 with no luck ive read about people getting it to 2.6 stable, ive read posts from long ago about doing the ram setup but it didnt make any sense. i got it to 2.59 and then the bsod appears about an hour later any help would be apreaciated. anything higher then 2.6 would be great too

AMD 939 4400 x2
ASUS A8n-e
2gb ram ddr400 maybe kingston dont know for sure, how do i find out if need be?
zalman cooler
antec 550 watt psu
8800gts 512


Oct 13, 2006
The 2 thngs you have to watch is that your RAM isnt running too fast, and your HT stays below 1000Mhz. As eagles said, drop your RAM divider a couple settings and back your HT multi off to 3x. Then start bumping the FSB. Dont worry about increasing volts, as that didnt help much.


May 9, 2009
Ive tried lowering the ram speed to 200mhz and the ht to 3x and the multiplyer to 237 so it would be at 2.6, i still get the bsod and it always involves my hd one was atapi.sys and now its ntfs.sys, i updated the drivers from the segate website now im getting the ntfs.sys error, right now i have it at ram 300mhz ht 4x multi 230 and it runs fine, should i get prima 95 or something and check the stability. when it does boot up all the way any higher any time i do something cpu intensive it will lockup and i have to restart the puter and turn down the oc


May 9, 2009
i got it to 2.616. 237 multi 4x ht 266 mhz ram, 1.4 cpu volts and 2.8 ram how much more could i push it and be safe with heat. at the bios screen its idleing at 40c


May 9, 2009
it cwithin a minute of playing a game, so i bumped up the volts to 1.425 ran an extraction on a 500mb file where it has crashed before opening it passed that now a game test


May 9, 2009
it doesnt tell me th manu for the memory tab it says
frequency 153.9
FSB:DRAM cpu/17
CAS# latency 3.0 clocks
RAS# to CAS# delay 4.0 clocks
RAS# precharge 4 clocks
Cycle time (tras) 8 clocks
bank cycle time (trc) 11clocks
command rate 2T
Dram idle timer 16 clocks

Is that what you were asking about? they have a goldish yellow heatsink on em that i cant get off and no name on it
2.8v on the RAM is a little high. PC3200 400MHz. is usually 2.5-2.6v. 1.45v on the CPU could be 1.5v. Perhaps a shade higher than 1.5v applied on the CPU. With all you have done, if the system won't run stable at higher clocks and upping the vCore won't get it there, there's not much else you can do.
If you are just playing around to see what you can get, have fun. But if you are looking for a performance bump, it is time to dump the Socket 939 and look to the new Phenom 2's. I went from a 4600X2 -939 (overclocked to 3ghz, doing exactly what others have told you here in the thread....memory not too fast, HT speed underclocked, etc.) to a Phenom 2 920 on an inexpensive Gigabyte board, and the difference is night and day. Night and day man.