OC Q6600 on Intel BLKD975XBX2KR w/8GB RAM?


Aug 2, 2008
I've tried a lot of different settings I've seen in other threads, but I cannot get this thing to POST. Even the smallest change earns me a free trip back to BIOS. I know several people that have this board/proc past 3.2 so I'm quite frustrated. I know maxxing out the DIMMs with ram can reduce the ability to OC, but there has to be a way around this. I'm a bit leery of cranking the voltage way up and seeing what happens. Does anyone have any experience with this combination or at least this board? I would like to make a stable 3ghz..at least.


Q6600 2.4ghz Quad
Intel BLKD975XBX2KR (975x chipset)
CORSAIR 8GB (4 x 2GB) 240-Pin DDR2 SDRAM DDR2 800
BFG Tech GeForce 8800 GTX 768MB 384-bit GDDR3
Rosewill RX850-S-B 850W PSU

Stock Settings:


2.4ghz (9x266)
CPU Voltage: 1.325V
FSB Voltage: 1.250V
MCH/ICH V_Core: 1.525V



3Dmark06: 11403pts

Could be that old chipset your using... But if others are getting 3.2 with it then that may be a non issue. Are you running the RAM at 1:1 with FSB?
And yes run realtemp/coretemp and tell us your VID, also what stepping is it?
My G0 Q6600 runs 3.6ghz stable and 3ghz without a voltage bump.
What settings did you change to OC? Did you lock the PCIe to 100Mhz. Did you disable any BIOS auto OC features? Did you ensure that the RAM is locked at 400 (800) at the OC base FSB and not climbing with the increase of the FSB? Try your OC with 2 sticks installed to rule out any problems with the additional sticks. Once you get the OC stable then you can worry about whether you can keep it with all the RAM and you will know what to focus on, rather than using the shotgun approach.
All I changed at first was the clock speed. After a while I used a few combinations of settings to no avail. Clearly I'm missing something. The ram is going to have to stay. I'm sure it'll work with just two sticks, but editing HD footage w/o it isn't an option.
I can't believe that you don't understand the process. Get the OC with 2 sticks and then add the rest and make any adjustments to the Northbridge or RAM voltage, speed and timings to stabilize it. If you can't then kill the OC. The whole idea, when doing anything in this world, is to minimize the variables. How complicated is that?

Never mind, note the changes that I indicated in my post and read the OC sticky.
disable speedstep/EIST, set RAM at 1:1 with the FSB, lock pci express bus to 100 and why the hell did you get an 850w PSU.... wtf im not wastin any more time on this
Not everyone can(or should) overclock. Go tell your nerdy homeboy(everyone should have one of these) to help you out, you'll thank me later.
Thanks for the responses, it's unfortunate most of you are pissy children that live in your parent's basement. Trying to patronize someone who's asking a question really shows maturity.
The 975 Chipset, like the 965 chipset, have trouble overclocking 8 Gigs of RAM, to overclock 8 Gigs you have to set the RAM tRFC over 54 to use the RAM at DDR2-800 or higher. I had the P5B with the 965 Chipset and with 8 Gigs of DDR2-1000 I could not get it to run over 700(350X2) stable. The highest it went in the BIOS was 45 I think.

If you BIOS has it set the tRFC to 54 or higher. You may have to up your northbridge voltage and set you memory voltage to 2.0-2.1 or whatever is the max for the RAM. Also loosen your memory timings.

If that does not work, Get the P35/P45/X38/X48 Chipset. I know that the X48 overclocks 8 Gig fine.

Ps. I dont live in my parents basement, They are tied up in Mine:)

First you would need to get an OC, to ensure that you have all your settings correct and that the RAM isn't causing the problem, so that you can ensure that your settings are correct, which are now in question. Then add the RAM, tweak it or lower the OC based on the RAM. I wasn't asking you to never put the 8G back in, just eliminate it as a cause of any OC failure temporarily. It's too bad that you ask for advice, refuse to take it, and expect everyone to spin their wheels with you. Unfortunately, that's not the way it works in life. If you won't follow my advice then there is no reason to give it to you. It winds up being a waste of both our time.
My previous post wasn't directed at you. I had already tried running just two sticks, it works fine. The problem is I can't get it work with all 8gb. This isn't my first time with this. I've just never OC'd with 8gb of ram. The voltages that I believe to be required just seemed a bit too high, hence the thread. I appreciate the help, its becoming more and more apparent that I need to switch mobo's.
So you already had a stable OC? I'm surprised you could get that without locking the PCIe to 100Mhz. Although the OC should remain stable with a PCIe up to around 120-125 absolute max so maybe you were under that. You should still lock it to 100-105. At any rate you probably will need a newer mobo, so this is probably an effort in futility anyway.

With the new mobo I still recommend getting a stable Prime95 OC with 2 sticks and then adding the other 2 sticks and dealing with any problems specifically related to the additional sticks. It will be easier in the long run.

Yeah, I had locked it at 100 already. Everything works fine with 2 sticks, just no luck with all 4. I appreciate your help, time to start shopping (again)