ps2asker :
If it matters(memory-wise) I had it stable at 1.45V and 333*9 earlier in Prime. Should I increase NB or both NB and CPU now?
This is strictly to see if you need to run memtest86, which you may want to do anyway. Increase the CPU to 1.5v and the NB to 1.55v! You are not going to leave either at this so dont worry about the temps for now you will only run this for a short time. leave the memory at what you have it because it is actually at higher timings and lower speed than it is rated, so it should not be need 2.2v just to boot imo.
If you run prime on those settings and it fails quickly then I have no doubt that your memory is unstable at those speeds, which means that it is most likely defective. I am going to have to run to a client site in a few min, but will be back a little later. If I dont get back in time to respond to you about anything else I am sure that gill can let you know the best way to go.