wanamingo :
Well if I may point something out that Toms Forums shares in common with the OWS protests.
Lots of people have really intelligent things to say about corporate greed or the plight of the working man but more often then not those voices are drowned out with
The voices of the loudest suppress those talking. Even if you dont agree with every single person there, there are still people with very valid points.
Totally agree with the above, but not sure if you're taking issue with oldmangamer's post or are buying into the OWS and marxist rhetoric...
wanamingo :
How can you sympathize with the super rich?
Don't confuse sympathy with empathy. All taxpayers should empathize with the "$uper rich". I was raised to believe that you are in control of your own future, you make your own opportunity, you keep what you earn. I imagine that a number of Americans feel the same way. Anyone who takes advantage of the opportunities afforded to them by American society is striving to be (super) rich. Mark Zuckerberg is a dude who deserves the crazy loot he's making; say what you will, but please don't tell me you wouldn't enjoy that level of financial freedom. Zuckerberg+ingenuity+talent+afforded opportunity+American capitalism=crazy loot.
I'll take capitalism over any other -ism, any day, all day, every day.
wanamingo :
People are LOSING their jobs they have no money and the people "responsible" are making more money then ever. You really agree that the super rich can manipulate the system however they see fit, just because CAPITALISM?
Please don't blame capitalism. It is a baseless accusation; an easy target for anger and angst. Capitalism is not the problem. The exchange between you (mingo), dogman, and gamer 6 or 7 posts from the bottom of page 2 was spot on, IMO; gamer was right.
wanamingo :
The youth are angry and that never ends well for the old regimes.
Only if the youth resort to using violence. Is that the intent of OWS? To violently overthrow the government?
Or, maybe the marxism that pervades the OWS movement is the Bizarro World equivalent of the racists elements of the Tea Party.
wanamingo :
The point is when I make a financial mistake I pay for it (Buying stupid *** etc). But when someone who makes 300,000,000$ a year makes a mistake and dooms literally millions he gets a bonus. How does that make any god damn sense?
And IF they get fired (For almost destroying the economy) they receive more money? And you are surprised people are upset. That is class warfare my friend.
Besides If a CEO needs some money he can just take your pension!
What's really interesting about the linked article was that it provided the real reasons for the issues being protested by OWS but wrongfully directs the blame; much like the OWS protest is misdirected at capitalism, the super rich, and Wall Street. The article hits the nail on the head with assessments like; "being a dubious use of
tax law", "
Federal law encourages employers to offer pensions by giving companies a
tax deduction", "
IRS rules say pension plans must not discriminate in favor of highly compensated employees.", "Under
existing rules, there’s little we can do anyway. If
Congress doesn’t like it, it
can change the rules." While exploiting the system is deplorable; capitalism, the super rich, and Wall Street do not write the codes, laws, and policies.