wanamingo :
But again I fail to see how:
1) Lowering taxes will reduce the deficit
2) Giving corporations more power will reduce political interference.
3) Making it easier for Corporations to make money will result in a better living standard for all.
4) Reducing restrictions will make corporations more efficient.
5) Wheres the accountability?
1) You're not missing anything, lowering taxes for any income level will not reduce the deficit. The theory about lowering taxes is that with the economy in the dumps, allowing the people to keep more of their money will (supposedly) stimulate the American consumer economy. Also, by lowering taxes, there is the assumption (uh-oh! ass-u-me!) that elected officials will reduce spending as a result of having less of the people's money to spend. But there's the rub; it isn't about raising or lowering taxes at all, taxes are the tactical maneuvers of the elected officials to get their electorate riled up. The issue of raising and lowering taxes is a ruse to bamboozle the people and confuse the real issue. The real issue is that the Federal government in American HAS A SPENDING PROBLEM and NOT A REVENUE (tax) PROBLEM!
2) Again, not missing anything, giving more power to corporations will not reduce political interference. However, the issue isn't whether corporations have "power" or not, it is how the government has gotten into bed with corporations and failed to limit their influence. The issue isn't companies and corporations, it is our elected officials in collusion with the corporations in perverting the political system and stealing it from the people; well that and the wholesale apathy of recent generations and the entitlement class.
3) The misperception here is the implication that a company's success is somehow tied to everyone who works, not just those employees who work for that company, but anyone who works whether for that company or not; i.e.; distribution of wealth and a sense of entitlement. A company is not responsible for "sharing the wealth" with people who do not work for them. The employees who worked to make a company profitable are not responsible for providing a lifestyle for someone who did not work for that company. A cornerstone of American capitalism and the free market is that both companies and employees are FREE to achieve the highest level of success their labor brings. Another cornerstone of American capitalism is that you, by right of natural law, keep what you earn.
4) I am not for unfettered regulation. Some regulation is necessary, to think otherwise is ignorant. However, reducing restrictions can and do make companies more efficient at performing their core functions, i.e.; manufacturing, providing services, etc. For example, American ammunition manufacturers like Federal, Speer, and Winchester were required to report tax and shipping statements on a monthly basis to the IRS and BATFE, not on a quarterly basis like any other industry in American, but on a monthly basis; please note that this was as a result of the anti-gun mindset that permeated the Clinton Administration. After 9/11/2001 and the ramp up of troops and private security firms into Afghanistan, American ammunition manufacturers were unable to keep up with demand. Why? Because they had to devote manpower and money to keeping up with the BATFE and IRS reporting regulations which took away from the manpower and money that could be spent on performing their core function, which is producing ammunition for the Federal government and civilian market. As a result, the IRS and BATFE had to change their regulations to enable American ammo makers to do what they are in business to do. the lesson learned here is that the political motivations of the anti-gun crowd stifled the production capabilities of an entire industry through regulation. If not ammo, how about the slew of green energy regulation that enabled energy companies to build off shore wind farms, drill for shale natural gas, let alone the government investment in (failed) solar panel companies.
5) Accountability is in the regulations, laws, codes, and within industry associations. Some level of accountability was stolen from the American people with the passing of the 17th Amendment. Accountability is given away by the apathy of recent generations and the entitlement class. And, accountability is in your hands, as the electorate; simply get out and vote!
wanamingo :
People are pissed at Washington (The linky I provided will attest to that, sorry for the Huffpo). No matter how much people protest at the gates of the white house someone somewhere is donating millions of dollars to protect their interests. So the tea party et al want a complete rewrite of how business operates in the US? How would that work? And what do I get out of it? How would the average American be protected from predatory practices?
I never said Tea party people are racist I don't even believe that. I'm not supporting every single thing OWS supports. The same way Im sure none of you blindly follow Glenn Beck....... So don't group me with them or anyone.
The difference between organizing at the capital and at wall street is about the same as me protesting at the place you live versus the place you work.
Say what you will about the Tea Party, they delivered where the OWS will seemingly fail; to nominate and elect people into Congress that promote their ideals. The OWS crowd could learn something from the Tea Party. As far as understanding how rewriting how businesses operate, how that would work, and what that means to you; I would encourage everyone to read, learn, and act on the issues that effect them and stand up for the principles they believe in.