Question OCENaudio how to compress a file for storage and how to uncompress it to see it again


Sep 7, 2009

im new to OCENaudio and I have been told that we can store a project to a tenth of its normal size. i searched and i could not find how.
More details: the track i am recording are dog barks so the quality really is not very important. i just want to be able to see when they happened and for how long so that i can hear the kind of bark they are. How to do that. i made a test track and saved it.
Does the compression(by compression I mean to make the file lighter) has to be done before or after saving ? let me know how and if there is a tuto somewhere yes.
Also, i have another question :
to see more clearly where are the barks, on adacity there is a spectrogram , or something like that that use color to show the track .

Is this also available on Ocenaudio ? how ? and can we see both at the same time , the regular blue shape waves and the color thing on the same screen?

I understand that Ocenaudio is kind of popular but no so much from the researches i made.
If there is a forum where it is well knowed could you tell me for further questions ?

thanks and have a good day !