Question Odd spot of discoloration on IPS monitor and other problems ?

Nexon 5

Jul 28, 2017
Hi all!

I've noticed a weird spot of discoloration on my Acer G247HYL IPS Monitor and it seems to be expanding over time.

Description of the Issue:
  • Initial Appearance: A few years ago, I first spotted a small discoloration in the left corner. It remained stable for a while, but recently, I've seen it getting much bigger.
  • Visibility: The discoloration is quite noticeable on apps with dark backgrounds.
  • Monitor Age: I've had this monitor since 2018, and it currently serves as my secondary monitor.

Additional Issue:
  • Weird Contour: There's a strange contour around the corners of the monitor, which is especially visible on dark backgrounds. It's been there since I bought the monitor, but I never paid much attention to it.
Here are the pics:

Discoloration - The discoloration I mentioned earlier
Contour - I've traced a line around it so you can (hopefully) understand what I mean.
Closer Look - I've also taken a video that takes a closer physical look at it in person, hopefully it helps.

Please help me figure out if this is a problem that can't be fixed on my own and requires physical attention (basically, if it's time to say goodbye to it soon). Thank you!
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The panel is giving out, I have the same discoloration on my panel but it started showing a couple of weeks ago since I bought my panel back in 2010.

Looking at the age of your monitor, you're outside the warranty period, you should look into replacing the monitor...since there's nothing serviceable in the panel unless you have resources to drop into the panel. The smart thing to do is drop the resource onto a new monitor.