Question Oh I dont even know where to start I cant even find anything related to the issue online anywhere

Jun 30, 2024
Yea I've tried just about every support place on reddit, various discords like LTT, no dice. Figure if I'm gonna even get an answer, it's gonna be Toms Hardware.

Ok heres the issue,
On chrome (havent tested other browsers), whenever I watch any sort of content that isn't the same aspect ratio as my monitor (16:9) it slows my PC down to single digit framerates, usually into decimal framerates. This ONLY happens while I am in fullscreen mode, but for some stuff I've watched it also happens even out of fullscreen just to a lesser extent. It also messes with the audio too, causing pops, as well as the same audio buzzing glitch sound you get when your computer BSODs. This happens on Youtube, Prime Video, Hulu video whatever it's called, and other privateer related video streaming websites. Don't use netflix or any other service so not sure if the issue occurs or not there.

No idea what's causing it, and it seems to have started about a year ago.

32gb DDR4 3200
RTX 2080ti
1x LG 4k 60hz monitor
Windows 10 Pro

All drivers are up to date.

I just wanna watch Stargate man but it's 4:3 help a brother out
Huh, the only thing RTX 2080ti can't hardware accelerate is AV1 which is only used by Youtube and Netflix, and 12600k should have plenty of power to decode that in software.

You can force software decode by disabling "Use Hardware Acceleration when available" in your browser settings.
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Math Geek

i would def try another browser or 2. this will help narrow down what it might be.

if it works fine in FF or another browser, then it's obviously a chrome issue. but if it happens in other browsers, then you'll need to start looking at your system instead.

you can easily grab FF portable or another one so it's not even installed to your system. here's a link to a bunch of free and safe portable options

heck even try chrome portable to see if it's just a settings issue on your installation like suggested above.
Jun 30, 2024
No, absolutely none of the legitimately released Stargate episodes are in 4:3 format. If you're having problems its because you're trying to watch poorly converted bootleg episodes. Try subscribing to a legitimate streaming service, even if you have to pay for it.
Watching Stargate SG-1 on Prime Video, it is in fact 4:3
Watching Stargate SG-1 on Prime Video, it is in fact 4:3
Its 4:3 on Prime because Prime is also a poorly converted video service made from ancient video tapes. The versions released on blu-ray disks were converted to 16:9 1080p format using the original film negatives. And you shouldn't be using a browser for Prime, download the free Prime app from the Microsoft store and perhaps that will solve your problems.
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This is on old trick I used to have to do a few years back so not sure if it works anymore.

Right click desktop and select ---Display settings---

On the window that pops up go down to ---Advanced display settings---

Go down to ---Refresh rate---

I used to have to set it to 59 Hz or something like that as my Amazon prime and youtube would glitch if on 60 Hz.

This was on a Windows 7 machine still in service back in 2019. YMMV :)