Windows 10 recent update regarding Ransomware protection is ridiculously over powered. I use various file syncing, back up strategies to protect my data that all seemed to stop doing theirjob after a week or so. Then I noticed I couldn't get my freaking printer to save its scanned file to my computer's folders. I used my laptop and the problem persisted. I tried to save a Notepad++ file into one of my folders and I would get an error saying permission denied. I have been running into soooooo many issues just trying to be a normal computer user with my machine and it dawned on me. Windows 10 had a recent ransomware protection update. That and its firewall. I turned off all of the security features that are supposed to protect me from malicious intent and suddenly I have regained control of my machine. I don't understand this strategy of theirs. Be so afraid of everything that don't do anything approach is ridiculous. I don't think this update makes any sense, it should have smarts to prevent malicious code but allow the user to continue their work with no change in their user experience - but with this type of protection, I might as well have all of their protection off just because its so annoying. Has anyone else experienced Windows 10 Ransomware protection hinder their productivity? Am I an outlier or is this the normal experience? If I am the outlier, then what do I need to change to make my experience less annoying?