Old EIDE Hard Drive Questions

Neil Jones

Jun 21, 2008
I have old EIDE hard drive that I took out of an older computer that I had. I'd like to give it to a co-worker who has an old Compaq computer. If I remember right I have to set the second hard drive to a slave setting with the jumper pin. Do I have to do anything to his hard drive so that it can recognize the hard drive I'm going to be giving him?

His computer is an old Compaq that has a BIOS that seems to automatically recognize new drives. His primary hard drive is a Maxtor D740X-6L 40 GB.

The hard drive I wish to give him is a Western Digital Caviar WD600. The setting choices on this drive are: CS, Slave, Master, blank, PM2. His hard drive has no labels. What does CS mean? What is the blank section for? What does PM2 mean?
Leave the "main" Hdd (the one at the end of the cable) on Master, and set the "secondary" drive to slave (the one in the middle of that damn ribbon cable)

IF the BIOS supports it, you can set BOTH drives to "CS", then be sure the boot drive (the existing one) is on the END connector because that will be the Master. Otherwise, set the Maxtor to "MA" for Master and put it on the end connector, then set the WD unit to "SL" for Slave and plug into the middle.

Be sure to check the existing Maxtor's jumpers. Some had different settings depending on whether it was the only drive in the system, or the Master in a two-drive system.