My PC broke a couple of months ago and I wanted to get a cheap PC going because I've mainly only been using it at home for a little bit of work and some light gaming. I opted to buy some low budget parts and a refurbished CPU.
I had some issues with being sent the wrong motherboard which wasn't compatible with the CPU I ordered so I got a new motherboard which was compatible.
When I put all the parts together and start the PC the fans (GPU, PSU, Heat-sink and case fan) all spin for a a split second and then stop.. this is repeated. When I take out the CPU the fans spin and don't stop. When the CPU is in the motherboard and the other parts are taken out the heat-sink fan spins and stops again. I concluded there's an issue with the CPU I was sent (the PSU is fairly new).
I sent that CPU back and got another one, the same thing happened (both refurbished CPU's), one of the sellers actually sent me another CPU (3 CPU's tried in total) and I've had the exact same issue.
Either I've been extreemly unlucky or something I'm missing.. I'm going to spend a little bit more money on another CPU but I wanted to be 100% sure this is where the issue is.
I've read through the forums, the PC is set up correctly all the right things in the right places, the PSU was working fine on the old PC and is fairly new. I tried launching without the GPU in, same without the RAM in, and if the CPU is in the motherboard the fans spin for half a second, if the CPU isn't in then the fans spin fine and don't stop. I've tried with 3 refurbished CPU's.
I had some issues with being sent the wrong motherboard which wasn't compatible with the CPU I ordered so I got a new motherboard which was compatible.
When I put all the parts together and start the PC the fans (GPU, PSU, Heat-sink and case fan) all spin for a a split second and then stop.. this is repeated. When I take out the CPU the fans spin and don't stop. When the CPU is in the motherboard and the other parts are taken out the heat-sink fan spins and stops again. I concluded there's an issue with the CPU I was sent (the PSU is fairly new).
I sent that CPU back and got another one, the same thing happened (both refurbished CPU's), one of the sellers actually sent me another CPU (3 CPU's tried in total) and I've had the exact same issue.
Either I've been extreemly unlucky or something I'm missing.. I'm going to spend a little bit more money on another CPU but I wanted to be 100% sure this is where the issue is.
I've read through the forums, the PC is set up correctly all the right things in the right places, the PSU was working fine on the old PC and is fairly new. I tried launching without the GPU in, same without the RAM in, and if the CPU is in the motherboard the fans spin for half a second, if the CPU isn't in then the fans spin fine and don't stop. I've tried with 3 refurbished CPU's.