Question Open apps move to primary monitor after sleep or screensave


Feb 23, 2019
Im using windows 10 , and the problem is as the title.
If my PC go to screensaving or sleep and then back all the open apps I had at my secondary monitor is at my primary monitor.
Since i want them to stay where I put.
Is there any fix to this?
I tried also to delete my inactive monitors in device manager.
Not really sure if there is a way to fix this, Im pretty sure it has to do with how the monitors go to sleep, My system does this as well with my ultrawide, when it goes to sleep, it pretty much acts like it disconnects from the PC, where my other monitor Asus, when it goes to sleep, it acts like its still connected, so when it all wakes up, it scatters my windows and apps around and I have to reorganize them.

When I use to use both my old Asus monitors, where they don't actually seem to disconnect when they sleep, all my windows were always in the same place so I would assume it has to do with how the monitors sleep. Its annoying I agree.
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Look in your monitor OSD, see if there is an option to disable Deep Sleep. Monitors connected over DisplayPort may appear as physically disconnected once they go to sleep, thus causing your windows to move around.
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There were no deep sleep on my monitors...

EDIT: Another question tho. Should I inactive freesync/adaptive sync on my second monitor
because Im having a nvidia graphics card?
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