I have a server running two arrays, 8 hard drives. The back plane is cooled by 4 80mm Antec fans which aren't new. I've noticed heat on the drive enclosures. Its nothing critical and my server rooms air temp is much cooler than my office air temp but I figure while i have it off the rack and on my bench this would be a good time to upgrade.
I have on hand one new Noctua NF-A8PWM, but when I plug it in it output feel less than the Antec fan, which isn't new.
Does anyone have an solid recommendations for good 80mm fans for a server case with a lit of heat potential.
Side note: I already have two Noctua 60mm fans on the back of the case, two 80mm GDStime fans cooling my raid controller on a slot card, and my Supermicro CPU fan.
Thanks in advance
I have on hand one new Noctua NF-A8PWM, but when I plug it in it output feel less than the Antec fan, which isn't new.
Does anyone have an solid recommendations for good 80mm fans for a server case with a lit of heat potential.
Side note: I already have two Noctua 60mm fans on the back of the case, two 80mm GDStime fans cooling my raid controller on a slot card, and my Supermicro CPU fan.
Thanks in advance