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Neopets is not the only virtual pets site. Infact many of them give more
free items and money daily. There are many other good ones including
the best are Aftermathzone, ChizoPets, Giropets, Igadis Universe, Jinopets,
Kenopets, kiropets, Marapets, Millsberry, Mizemon, Neuro Galaxy, Neopets,
petgamer, petnebula, Power Pets, sensipets, Subeta, Trenopets, Venetopia,
VeroPets, Zetapets .
Other ones are A . Scratchypets . A, al Xander, animal zone, Azurapets,
BlazeAdvance, Chibets, Chibi FRIENDS, Cloud City, CoolCamels, Como-Pets,
CyBot, Desolation Island, Eevo Pets, Equine-Ranch, Equitopia 2000, esiopets,
Furry Paws, Generation-X, Goober-Fest, Grazing Pasture, Heart Shaped Hooves,
Horseland, Kentucky Champions, KikoPets, Kojopets, Ludus Equinus, Mailpets,
Monopets, Nuropets, Nutrinopets, NukeWorld, Nuropets, Operation Pet Game,
Paw Pets, Pawsibilities, Pet Adoption Agengy, Pets of War, Pokemon Crater,
PonyIsland, PsyPets, Pure Felinity, Quake Islands, Royal Palm Sim Game,
SBZPets, SetroPETS, Small Critters With Attitude, Sonnexpets, Spell Tactics,
Sujipets, The Horseland game, The Poke PokeCenter, Transpets, UniPets V2,
Viapets, Viropets, Virtual Horse Ranch, virtualdog, Virtural Pet Arena,
Whisper Winds, White Oak Stables, Xenopets, XioPETS, Yuropets, ZaTaPets,
Here are pages where these sites are listed.
you can also join my Group
This group is to discuss ALL THE sites and any others there are. Vitual pets
sites are free, online games. They are great because you can pick pets,
care, train, heal, feed, them, battle with them, collect thousands of cool
items including stamps, coins, tradingcards and much much more, build homes,
chat, make friends, you can play games like pac-man, tetris, slots, lotto,
racing, scratchcards, stock market, get random money, events and items, Get
objects from donation centers, newbie packs, auctions and trade centers.
Wonderful site for learning about making, spending, and managing money.
Great for kids ages 5 to 105
Neopets is not the only virtual pets site. Infact many of them give more
free items and money daily. There are many other good ones including
the best are Aftermathzone, ChizoPets, Giropets, Igadis Universe, Jinopets,
Kenopets, kiropets, Marapets, Millsberry, Mizemon, Neuro Galaxy, Neopets,
petgamer, petnebula, Power Pets, sensipets, Subeta, Trenopets, Venetopia,
VeroPets, Zetapets .
Other ones are A . Scratchypets . A, al Xander, animal zone, Azurapets,
BlazeAdvance, Chibets, Chibi FRIENDS, Cloud City, CoolCamels, Como-Pets,
CyBot, Desolation Island, Eevo Pets, Equine-Ranch, Equitopia 2000, esiopets,
Furry Paws, Generation-X, Goober-Fest, Grazing Pasture, Heart Shaped Hooves,
Horseland, Kentucky Champions, KikoPets, Kojopets, Ludus Equinus, Mailpets,
Monopets, Nuropets, Nutrinopets, NukeWorld, Nuropets, Operation Pet Game,
Paw Pets, Pawsibilities, Pet Adoption Agengy, Pets of War, Pokemon Crater,
PonyIsland, PsyPets, Pure Felinity, Quake Islands, Royal Palm Sim Game,
SBZPets, SetroPETS, Small Critters With Attitude, Sonnexpets, Spell Tactics,
Sujipets, The Horseland game, The Poke PokeCenter, Transpets, UniPets V2,
Viapets, Viropets, Virtual Horse Ranch, virtualdog, Virtural Pet Arena,
Whisper Winds, White Oak Stables, Xenopets, XioPETS, Yuropets, ZaTaPets,
Here are pages where these sites are listed.
you can also join my Group
This group is to discuss ALL THE sites and any others there are. Vitual pets
sites are free, online games. They are great because you can pick pets,
care, train, heal, feed, them, battle with them, collect thousands of cool
items including stamps, coins, tradingcards and much much more, build homes,
chat, make friends, you can play games like pac-man, tetris, slots, lotto,
racing, scratchcards, stock market, get random money, events and items, Get
objects from donation centers, newbie packs, auctions and trade centers.
Wonderful site for learning about making, spending, and managing money.
Great for kids ages 5 to 105