Overclocking question


Jul 25, 2009
hey guys, i bought a new computer with a core i7 920 cpu, a gtx 285 gpu,and a 750w psu. I plan on doing minor overclocking to the cpu in the future, and i want to know if i could get the cpu to 3.2 ghz with stock cooling and full stability. also i plan on getting another gtx 285 soon for sli and want to know if the psu is good enough, or should i go with an 850w psu for future-proofing. thanks in advance.
As far as overclocking your CPU it is highly recommended you get an aftermarket cooler....The cooler that comes with the 920 is junk unless you leave it at stock speeds.

If you plan on having dual 285's in the near future I would suggest something like a 850w or higher....

Btw what 750w PSU did you purchase?

Yea, I just want him to be on the safe side.... Once you overclock you get hooked trust me... and once you hit 3.2Ghz you will want more and more speed....Plus a cooler is around 30.00$ to 50.00$, so in all it is a wise investment for such an expensive system...IMO.... heh

But if you do plan on leaving it @ 3Ghz then I guess you should be fine just like overshocked suggested....

As far as the Corsair PSU if it is a 750TX then I doubt it will hangle the dual 285's with power to spare. The 285's are power hogs.... On the other hand the 850TX will handle fine...
so the overclock shouldnt be a problem... thanks, but any ideas on what power supply to go with, do i need 850w or is it overkill for gtx 285 sli, also when the new dx 11 cards come out will 750 be enough for them or di i need to future proof more?
Your cpu won't heat up much until you start raising the voltage, so you are pretty safe to overclock as high as you can on the stock voltage with the stock cooler, assuming you have good case ventilation. A good 750w will run two gtx285s, but that is about the limit...if you want to go tri sli or have cards with a higher draw in the future you'll need to upgrade.
There are a couple of reviews on the 750TX (newegg) that show peeps having issues powering dual 285's....Even though you might get by with the 750 it is not wise at all to risk under powering a system when all you have to do is shell out an extra 10.00$ dollars more for the 850w....

+1...Even though I've ran dual 4870s on the 750TX which in theory draw more than the 285s, it never hurts to have extra power. I'm always leary of the newegg reviews, I would say at least 50% of the complaints come from user error on any given product....my point to the OP was that he ALREADY has the 750, and I'm not sure if he can still return it, so I think he will be alright with it if he adds another 285...if not you'll know when the power drops you'll need to get a new PSU.

Dual 4870's draw less power than dual 285's.

4870 = 450w min PSU with at least 36a on the 12v

285 = 550-600w min PSU with at least 42a on the 12v

Unless I missed something here, IMO the 285 is more powerful and more of a power hog than a 4870..

^ my mistake...you are correct. I was thinking of the 4870x2 vs. the gtx 295. While the 295 is more powerful it consumes less than the 4870x2. Although, I do think a good 750 could handle it, as I stated it is pushing the limits, and as you pointed out if it is possible to get a bigger and better 850 PSU for $10 more he should do it.

true dat... im addicted!