Chances are that you can actually go significantly higher than 600. Take a look at
BIOS rev '1011' or later will get you to 800MHz even without overclocking. You can download the BIOS and flash the motherboard according to instructions (but do it only if necessary, though) Research the "PCB revision" before taking the plunge, too. I don't know off-hand what that acronym means. If it's hardware, you may not have it. You'll have to look for the definitions of categories in that table.
If you don't have a Slot1 adapter, I highly recommend the ASUS S370-DL ($15-$18, depending on the vendor). This slotket has no resistors to block HS/fan installation, but it does have jumpers to deliver voltage to the core at default or increased settings with 0.05 increments if your PIII chip fails to post after increasing the FSB. And don't be afraid to up the voltage with a PIII chip. Just keep an eye on the CPU temperature and back off if it passes 60C (a conservative limit, actually).
Note: I recommend that you get a PIII700E flipchip. Available for $137 from Upgrade planet (or choose your vendor), this processor is a remarkably stable processor for overclocking. I know you said you that you are not necessarily into overclocking, but I can tell you that this chip is a champ. Buy the chip and fan (they'll bundle a Golden ORB for another 16 bucks), and the slotket, and you can make 933MHz if your ram can hang (Just set the board for 133MHz FSB, that simple). This setting will NOT overclock the PCI bus, but it WILL overclock the AGP channel. If you are using a PCI graphics card.. not a problem. If AGP, it will depend on what you've got in the slot. Nvidea Geforce chips don't object to the higher MHZ.
If you install the PIII chip and heat sink carefully (just make sure that you have thermal paste there and don't damage the chip while installing), these chips WON'T die.
For proof take a look at (CPU database)
As you can see, you don't have to put your case in the freezer to get it to post 933MHz. You've got REAL potential here. Use it !!!
<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by clonan on 02/03/01 10:36 PM.</EM></FONT></P>