thanks for the help, sarcasm, and the yummy looking keyboard, those mallows look delicious.
my VID (coretemP) 1.3125
vcore 1.3750 (i set it on the bios)
i tried running @ 3.3ghz - 3.4ghz while my RAM was running somewhere around 750mhz (c1e disabled, fsb strap 333mhz, no speedstep)and the vcore i set on 1.45 (im scared touching the 1.55v you guys were talking about) it ran 2 3dmark06 test and it shut down by itself. btw my RAM is rated @ 800mhz
the corsair RAM you were talking about sells twice the price from where i come from (manila) 🙁
for some odd reason the new prim95 i download dont seem to load all my cores @ 100%...sheessh