p5k-se + q6600 oc


hi guys, im stuck @ 3.1ghz (stable), and i want to reach 3.2 - 3.4. does anybody have the same setup as mine? i have some crappy memory modules but is there a way to get higher clocks without raising the FSB? i need the exact bios settings..



I gotta admit, that was awesome. It was funny as hell, but it hurt at the same time. 🙁
oops how did i forget about that haha...

heres my spec, geez sorry...

corsair vx450
hyper tx 2
ichill 9600gt
some **** RAM (transcend 1 1gb module and another 1 2gb module)
50 deg on full load...
Allright, I can see a few things that may be your issue.

The first would be the value Mb. When you buy cheap you can not always expect top OC's. If you have a mesh on the side of your case, try mounting a fan to it blowing on the north bridge and voltage regulators (the little cubes surrounding the CPU). This should help cool your system down a little and may allow you to go a little further.

With shatty RAM it is probably DDR2 666??? If so, you should consider your self lucky to have gotten even a minor OC out of the major value lines. DDR2 is cheap as dirt right now. You should really get a matched kit like this Corsair 4Gb DDR2 800 kit for $66.50. That will give you better performance than your current RAM that is not running in duel channel and also give you OC headroom up to at least 400Mhz FSB.

Your temps are still very good. Make sure your BIOS is the latest then start to play with the voltage. Bump it to 1.55V and see where that will take you. Stress test with prime95 in windows while keeping an eye on your temps with coretemp.

Also, what revision is your Q6600? G0 or B3?

Start here and let us know how it goes.
OK forget what outlw6669 said first set you FSB to (lets say) 444 Bump the
voltage to 2.1 and set your 666 ram to 1:1 ratio. Forget Prime, mem test or coretemp just play crysis till smoke comes out of your tower at that point
make smores.


Your PSU mite not have the amps to pull a high oc off 🙁

You sir are a funny man and you deserve a smore!

Outlw6669, What do you think about the 430 power supply been some time since I used ohms law but there mite be some gold to dig here so to speak.

Please list all your components and wattage and I?ll dust off the old slide ruler.
I just ran it through the eXtreme PSU Calc and it looks fine to me.

Assuming an average system with 2 sticks of DDR2, Regular Mb, 9600GT, standard extras and a B3 Q6600 (which draws more power than the probable G0) @ 3.2Ghz, 1.45V it comes to 319W needed. Add that to the fact of the Corsair VX 450 being a top end PSU that could compete with many 500-600W PSU's and I see little problems with the power.

Good eyes but I doubt this is the issue. More like cheap RAM and low end Mb.
thanks for the help, sarcasm, and the yummy looking keyboard, those mallows look delicious.

my VID (coretemP) 1.3125
vcore 1.3750 (i set it on the bios)

i tried running @ 3.3ghz - 3.4ghz while my RAM was running somewhere around 750mhz (c1e disabled, fsb strap 333mhz, no speedstep)and the vcore i set on 1.45 (im scared touching the 1.55v you guys were talking about) it ran 2 3dmark06 test and it shut down by itself. btw my RAM is rated @ 800mhz

the corsair RAM you were talking about sells twice the price from where i come from (manila) 🙁

for some odd reason the new prim95 i download dont seem to load all my cores @ 100%...sheessh
thanks for the help, sarcasm, and the yummy looking keyboard, those mallows look delicious.

my VID (coretemP) 1.3125
vcore 1.3750 (i set it on the bios)

i tried running @ 3.3ghz - 3.4ghz while my RAM was running somewhere around 750mhz (c1e disabled, fsb strap 333mhz, no speedstep)and the vcore i set on 1.45 (im scared touching the 1.55v you guys were talking about) it ran 2 3dmark06 test and it shut down by itself. btw my RAM is rated @ 800mhz

the corsair RAM you were talking about sells twice the price from where i come from (manila) 🙁

for some odd reason the new prim95 i downloaded dont seem to load all my cores @ 100%...sheessh
The newest Bios overclocks the best. Leave the FSB strap on auto.

The P5K SE has a pretty high V-droop so your gonna need 1.5-1.55 Vcore to run 3.3-3.4 since you have a high VID.

You need 1.3125 for the chip to run @ stock. Your trying to get a whole 1000MHz with a modest bump.

Theres some other settings that can be shut off to help OC but I cant remember what they are right off, but the newest bios eplains what everything does when you highlight it.
Yeah, these can take quite a bit of voltage. When I OCed my Q6600 with the same VID, I could get 3.0Ghz at 1.285V but it took quite a lot of voltage to go any higher. 3.2Ghz was eating 1.4V and 3.6Ghz is eating 1.55V. I have good cooling that keeps the temps under 60C full load and have had no problems with it.
Start with 1.55V and keep a heavy eye on the temps. If it starts edging towards the upper 60's lower 70's you should drop the voltage and try for a lower OC. Once you have it stable start dropping the voltage one notch at a time. Test at every step until you loose stability. Bump it up 2 notches from there and you will be in good shape.