p5w hdd setup


Dec 9, 2004
I have 2 SATA drives and am not sure if I will put them in RAID 1 or just have the other one as backup. The reason I may not put them in RAID is the new drive is smaller than my main drive.

If I do NOT go with raid, which SATA port do I plug the new drive into? Does it matter? I have it in the EZ RAID 1 port now and can access it to store files and my main drive in the SATA 1 port.


It would be best to run on Sata 1 and 3 (2 just goes into the easy backup/silcone image raid processor)

This should make sure your drives run as fast as they can(as the one on EZ RAID 1 goes from port 2 through the sil image device...its like adding an extra device for nothing).....and you can just to manual back-up's weekly or whenever you want to....