[Paint] [40k] Painting white armour...



Archived from groups: rec.games.miniatures.warhammer (More info?)

I'm busy building my marine chapter and I want to go with a white with ice
blue scheme. However, having never really painted anything white before
(seriously!), I'm wondering what the best way to achieve a good look is.

I've been experimenting with chaos black spray primer followed by pure skull
white and black lining the armour plates, but it's a time consuming
process... how do others go about painting the likes of white scars? Am
thinking I really need to use an off-white base so I can highlight properly,
anybody got any interesting tips? Inks? Would I be better off with a white
primer and then shading first? Help! 😉

I'd like to find something which looks good and doesn't take forever...

Empty Motorcycle
Archived from groups: rec.games.miniatures.warhammer (More info?)

Empty Motorcycle wrote:
> I'm busy building my marine chapter and I want to go with a white with ice
> blue scheme. However, having never really painted anything white before
> (seriously!), I'm wondering what the best way to achieve a good look is.

Pure white is a highlight over off-white. With white, what you really
see are the shadows.

> I've been experimenting with chaos black spray primer followed by pure
> skull white and black lining the armour plates, but it's a time consuming
> process... how do others go about painting the likes of white scars?

Personally, I go for an off-white for white, with large black areas, so
it's not as much of an issue.

I prime black, prehilite with pure white, basecoat in off-white, shade
wash darker, blackline, retouch in off-white, and highlight in pure white.

> Am thinking I really need to use an off-white base so I can highlight
> properly, anybody got any interesting tips? Inks?

Need? No, you can get good results with whatever you start with. Just
some results will be easier/harder, or differently shaded.

> Would I be better off with a white
> primer and then shading first? Help! 😉

Probably. It depends on what you're trying to do.

> I'd like to find something which looks good and doesn't take forever...

Heh. Paint pure white, then magic dip in Future.

--- John Hwang "JohnHwang...@cs.com.no.com"
| A.K.D. F.E.M.C.
| Horned Blood Cross Terror LED Speed Jagd Destiny
Archived from groups: rec.games.miniatures.warhammer (More info?)

Empty Motorcycle wrote:
> I'm busy building my marine chapter and I want to go with a white
with ice
> blue scheme. However, having never really painted anything white
> (seriously!), I'm wondering what the best way to achieve a good look
> I've been experimenting with chaos black spray primer followed by
pure skull
> white and black lining the armour plates, but it's a time consuming
> process... how do others go about painting the likes of white scars?
> thinking I really need to use an off-white base so I can highlight
> anybody got any interesting tips? Inks? Would I be better off with a
> primer and then shading first? Help! 😉
> I'd like to find something which looks good and doesn't take

As you can see, there are lots of ways to do it. The suggestions here
are all good.

I do something slightly less fancy and doesn't involve floor wax (no
dissing the floor wax, though--it's supposed to be quite useful!):
Starting with black primer, I simply do a quick basecoat of Codex or
Shadow Grey, followed by a coat of Fortress or Space Wolves Grey, and
then brush over with white. I might do another highlight of white over
the highest areas.

It's three layers of paint, but they're pretty quick, and you'll get a
much better result than just splodging on white right over black. I
actually prefer the blue-grays (Shadow and Space Wolves Grey) as they
offer more "depth" to the shaded areas, and would be a realistic
shading since you already have blue on the model (IRL the blue parts
would cast a bluish reflection into the white areas, so bluish shading
would make sense).

You can also prime white and shade down as I think someone else
suggested, but don't forget to rehighlight your raised areas with

For more of an expert opinion, check out Dr. Faust's painting clinic
(scroll down the menu to get to the "painting whites, blacks, and reds"


Death Quaker!
Archived from groups: rec.games.miniatures.warhammer (More info?)

Between saving the world and having a spot of tea Empty Motorcycle said
> I've been experimenting with chaos black spray primer followed by pure
> skull white and black lining the armour plates, but it's a time
> consuming process... how do others go about painting the likes of
> white scars? Am thinking I really need to use an off-white base so I
> can highlight properly, anybody got any interesting tips? Inks? Would
> I be better off with a white primer and then shading first? Help! 😉

I would suggest that you use a good grey *primer* like 'Tamiya fine grey'.
Then you give them a wash of one part black ink to three to four parts
water (I use Windsor and Newton). Then build up the parts of the armour
that still show the grey of primer with a mixture of very light blue and
white up to lines of pure white.

Rob Singers RGMW FAQ Maintainer. See it @ http://www.rgmw.org
Send submissions to submissions at rgmw dot org changing the obvious.
"I present to RGMW....the real life model for StrongBad." (c) Inc 2003
Credo Elvem ipsum etiam vivere
Archived from groups: rec.games.miniatures.warhammer (More info?)

It was a cold day in September when Robert Singers entered the world pub
known as rec.games.miniatures.warhammer and said...

> Between saving the world and having a spot of tea Empty Motorcycle said
> [snip]
> > I've been experimenting with chaos black spray primer followed by pure
> > skull white and black lining the armour plates, but it's a time
> > consuming process... how do others go about painting the likes of
> > white scars? Am thinking I really need to use an off-white base so I
> > can highlight properly, anybody got any interesting tips? Inks? Would
> > I be better off with a white primer and then shading first? Help! 😉
> I would suggest that you use a good grey *primer* like 'Tamiya fine grey'.
> Then you give them a wash of one part black ink to three to four parts
> water (I use Windsor and Newton). Then build up the parts of the armour
> that still show the grey of primer with a mixture of very light blue and
> white up to lines of pure white.

Rob try this some time, 1 part ink, 1 part liquid floor wax (future is what
I used, it worked really well) and between 5 and 8 parts water. It thins
everything very nicely and still gives a good coverage. I use an eye dropper
to insure that my mix is always the same.

Jim M

"Look alive. Here comes a buzzard." -- Walt Kelly (Pogo)
"The only game I like to play is Old Maid - provided she's not too old." --
Groucho Marx

Archived from groups: rec.games.miniatures.warhammer (More info?)

Between saving the world and having a spot of tea Jim M said

> Rob try this some time, 1 part ink, 1 part liquid floor wax (future is
> what I used, it worked really well) and between 5 and 8 parts water.
> It thins everything very nicely and still gives a good coverage. I use
> an eye dropper to insure that my mix is always the same.

I've never needed to. I'm also not sure that it's appropriate in this case
as you're inking under paint rather than over it. Using wax may cause
problems with applying the paint.

What I'm basically telling him to do is create a greyscale mini and then
enhance the white for effect. I've had success painting Knights like this
in the past so i think it'll work well for Marines.

Rob Singers RGMW FAQ Maintainer. See it @ http://www.rgmw.org
Send submissions to submissions at rgmw dot org changing the obvious.
"I present to RGMW....the real life model for StrongBad." (c) Inc 2003
Credo Elvem ipsum etiam vivere
Archived from groups: rec.games.miniatures.warhammer (More info?)

It was a cold day in September when Robert Singers entered the world pub
known as rec.games.miniatures.warhammer and said...

> Between saving the world and having a spot of tea Jim M said
> > Rob try this some time, 1 part ink, 1 part liquid floor wax (future is
> > what I used, it worked really well) and between 5 and 8 parts water.
> > It thins everything very nicely and still gives a good coverage. I use
> > an eye dropper to insure that my mix is always the same.
> I've never needed to. I'm also not sure that it's appropriate in this case
> as you're inking under paint rather than over it. Using wax may cause
> problems with applying the paint.
> What I'm basically telling him to do is create a greyscale mini and then
> enhance the white for effect. I've had success painting Knights like this
> in the past so i think it'll work well for Marines.
I've used it under paint as well, the small amount a floor polish helps the
ink/water mix to flow smoothly. I haven't had any problems with painting
over it. I have also used it in making washes from paint, and it seems to
help with the flow there as well.

It was meant as something for you to try when you get a chance, I haven't
yet tried it with white. If my wrist is up to it I may give it a shot this
week end. <Now where did I put those Empire Knights that no one wanted to
Jim M

"Look alive. Here comes a buzzard." -- Walt Kelly (Pogo)
"The only game I like to play is Old Maid - provided she's not too old." --
Groucho Marx

Archived from groups: rec.games.miniatures.warhammer (More info?)

<spam@deathquaker.org> wrote in message

> I do something slightly less fancy and doesn't involve floor wax (no
> dissing the floor wax, though--it's supposed to be quite useful!):
> Starting with black primer, I simply do a quick basecoat of Codex or
> Shadow Grey, followed by a coat of Fortress or Space Wolves Grey, and
> then brush over with white. I might do another highlight of white over
> the highest areas.

I use a similar technique - prime skull white, basecoat space wolves grey,
drybrush skull white. Space Wolves grey is actually closer to a light blue
color, it gives a very very 'clean' looking white. I would especially look
into this (mr. original poster) if you're doing an 'icy' theme as you
Archived from groups: rec.games.miniatures.warhammer (More info?)

Use white over off white, or a very light blue. You can go shock white
over black undercoat for a stormtrooper look.

Also consider adding blue to the mix of the topmost white color. Just a
small amount, not so it actually turns blue. It's why why some in the
navy use Blue Cheer on their uniforms, and I think some marshmellow
companies add blue dye to the mix.

Also consider adding a brown/dirt mix to the bottom of the feet/leg to
dirty 'em up some and make them look like they're in the field.

Archived from groups: rec.games.miniatures.warhammer (More info?)

> I use a similar technique - prime skull white, basecoat space wolves grey,
> drybrush skull white. Space Wolves grey is actually closer to a light blue
> color, it gives a very very 'clean' looking white. I would especially look
> into this (mr. original poster) if you're doing an 'icy' theme as you
> described.

Thanks all. I'm not a particularly experienced painter, so the link Death
Quaker provided and the above advice is most helpful.

Empty Motorcycle
Archived from groups: rec.games.miniatures.warhammer (More info?)

Empty Motorcycle wrote:
> > I use a similar technique - prime skull white, basecoat space
wolves grey,
> > drybrush skull white. Space Wolves grey is actually closer to a
light blue
> > color, it gives a very very 'clean' looking white. I would
especially look
> > into this (mr. original poster) if you're doing an 'icy' theme as
> > described.
> Thanks all. I'm not a particularly experienced painter, so the link
> Quaker provided and the above advice is most helpful.

Good to know! You'll have to let us know how it turns out.