
Mar 23, 2001
i just finished playing pariah and frankly i really enjoyed it. the graphics were great and the game play was good as well. normally i don't play fps', the last i played was dark forces. i tried dark forces 2 but i got motion sick while playing so i stop playing the entire genre. normally i play, and still play i might ad, diablo 2, c&c (the original), emulation, arcanum and other rpg's. the only other fps i've played are doom, doom 2, quake & dark forces. after playing this i might consider playing some more.

so if your looking for a good fps, check it out.


Aug 30, 2003
Or hows about don't. I do play FPS's so I can spot a crap one when I see it. I played the demo of this, laughed and uninstalled it.

Go get yourself Call of Duty, Farcry, Half Life 2, Aliens Versus Predator 2 and Max Payne 2 (yeah I know it's a 3rd person shooter) complete them then come back and tell me what you thought of them in comparison to Pariah.

ps I'm being intentionally harsh just cos I feel like it. The main point with any game is if you enjoy it then it's worth your money but give some of the games above a go and see what you think.

"Its only when you look at ants closely with a magnifying glass on a sunny day that you realise how often they burst into flames"