Question PC crashing after installing 16gb module


Feb 26, 2019
So recently I decided to upgrade from 8gb to 16. I heard that mixing two different modules could cause performance issues so I just took out my old 8gb and put in the new 16. After doing that I started experiencing crashes with the Wattman Radeon software. I researched it and found that configing the settings could help. While this did help for a while, it didn't completely fix since after a while I'll still get a crash. And recently I got a tdr failure as well which I'm working on fixing. Anyone got any ideas why this is all happening after installing the 16gb?
Tell us as much as you can about your computer. Motherboard, CPU, Old RAM, new RAM, GPU, PSU. (DDR4, Graphics Card, Power Supply)
I would try resetting the bios just to rule that out.
Okay so in this response I will respond to both of you as well as provide a new theory as to what the problem may be. So I got busy and was not able to try out the bios option as of yet. And my cpu is a Ryzen 5 2400g, gpu is an RX 580 4gb, I have no idea what exactly my psu or motherboards are as my rig was a pre-build. My old RAM was this Samsung 8gb stick, and my new one is a Viper 16gb. I researched the stick I had in my rig, and this new module should be basically the same as the old one, just with more memory. Okay so a small update to the story. So yesterday I bought Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor and Shadow of War. Since I played Mordor on my Xbox and wanted to play both on my new rig. I left my PC on overnight to download them since they are extremely large files. And just a bit ago when I woke up, I found my PC completely off. Keep in mind I have all power savings or sleep modes off. So it wouldn't just shut down. Anyways this was weird as it shouldn't have turned off. So I had to unplug and then replug my cord so that my PC could come back on. After doing so I read something that I dreaded.... Wattman encountered a system failure... This is the thing that keeps happening no matter what. I can't do anything for over an hour with my PC because Wattman comes and literally crashes the party. So my theory is that it's actually my PSU, or maybe the AMD software itself that's causing this. And not the new stick, although it's weird that right after the new stick was installed this started happening. Anyone got any thoughts?
Btw I'm going to reset my BIOS rn as suggested earlier, just to make double sure that's not the problem. And if by some miraculous reason that is the issue. Then I'll post here that it's solved. Let's hope this solves it, wish me luck boyos!!!
I just reset my BIOS, so for now I cannot say if it worked or not since I have to wait a bit to see if I get a system failure. But I will report here with what happens.
So I got home to see my computer on still. This was a good sign since it would shut off after a good amount of time. But after playing a bit into the first part of Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor, the unspeakable happened yet again... I'm at a loss for words here, someone suggested that it may be due my ram being incompatible with my GPU. I'm gonna look into that, it's my only option at this point.
...You read.1Why dont you check?2Also how about updating bios?3 control panel>system>advanced system settings>performance>advanced>virtual memory.Change your OS drive virtual memory to "system managed size".4 Try switching ram slot.
...You read.1Why dont you check?2Also how about updating bios?3 control panel>system>advanced system settings>performance>advanced>virtual memory.Change your OS drive virtual memory to "system managed size".4 Try switching ram slot.
Oh sorry I should've clarified that I did check for myself, and it turns out to be true. I researched my HP Model and I found these specs on it. The motherboard is known as "Sunflower" And I think I may have just found my problem boyos.... Well from the sounds of it, this motherboard can only support 4gb to 8gb sticks. But in total can support up to 32gb. Buuuuuuut only has two RAM slots.... I uh, well then. That actually may be my problem. I have no problem with using just 2 8gb sticks, but wow I wasted almost $100 on this single 16gb. Well damn.
I'm pretty sure any RAM brand is supported, but it's just the size and speeds of the sticks that matters. Which is why I just bought 2 8gb sticks that have similar everything to the one i have rn. I'm buying 2 new sticks to keep them identical for dual channel speeds. And also I cannot find another one of the same stick I already have installed, so I just opted with 2 new sticks.