[SOLVED] pc gets blue screen when booting

Feb 25, 2020
when i'm trying to boot up my pc. it goest directy into a blue screen. i have tried to factory reset it, but then it crashes again and goes back into the bluescreen. i have also tried to do it with a usb, but the same thing happens again. the pc crashes and goes into blue screen.
furthere more i can still use my bios perfectly. this all happened within one day, i have not bought or changed any kind of component.

pc specs:
motherboard: asus prime b350-plus
video card: gigabyte geforce gtx 1070 g1 gaming
cpu: and rtzeb 5 1600
ram: corsair ddr4 vengeance lpx 2*8
hdd: seagate hdd 3.5 2tb
I have the corsair psu vs550, but that can't be the issue since i have been using this pc for something like 2-3 years now and never had any issue untill now. but i had also been thinking that is was a HDD problem.
Yes, that's one of those notorious power supplies that have ruined many systems throughout their life as a consumer product...and with something like a 1070 to power, those units will have a high chance of failure. Still, try the steps mentioned above, ie, trying with one RAM stick, maybe borrow someone's HDD if possible, and trying to use that to boot, try to single out the faulty component. If all else seems to work fine, I would highly recommend getting a better PSU before more damage is done.
What power supply do you have? This could be a storage issue, wherein the HDD is not able to read/write data properly, or a PSU issue where the power supply is unable to power the system correctly and the system is crashing. It is more likely to be the first one because power supply problems usually cause the system to crash without any error displayed, that is, it suddenly loses power. Still, getting a good power supply in this system would be my first recommendation in case the current one is not a decent unit.
What power supply do you have? This could be a storage issue, wherein the HDD is not able to read/write data properly, or a PSU issue where the power supply is unable to power the system correctly and the system is crashing. It is more likely to be the first one because power supply problems usually cause the system to crash without any error displayed, that is, it suddenly loses power. Still, getting a good power supply in this system would be my first recommendation in case the current one is not a decent unit.
I have the corsair psu vs550, but that can't be the issue since i have been using this pc for something like 2-3 years now and never had any issue untill now. but i had also been thinking that is was a HDD problem.
Is there a cause on the bluescreen? I would try booting with one stick of RAM. It certainly could be the PSU, as they often work until they fail; like a light switch, they suddenly drop to very little wattage. Lower end corsair PSU's are especially prone to fail, often referred to a ticking time bomb.
I have the corsair psu vs550, but that can't be the issue since i have been using this pc for something like 2-3 years now and never had any issue untill now. but i had also been thinking that is was a HDD problem.
Yes, that's one of those notorious power supplies that have ruined many systems throughout their life as a consumer product...and with something like a 1070 to power, those units will have a high chance of failure. Still, try the steps mentioned above, ie, trying with one RAM stick, maybe borrow someone's HDD if possible, and trying to use that to boot, try to single out the faulty component. If all else seems to work fine, I would highly recommend getting a better PSU before more damage is done.