Question PC led's turning on but no display.

Jun 6, 2023
Does anyone know why my pc lights and everything else turns on but my doesnt notice it and neither do my mouse and keyboard. And yes I'm using graphics card slot
Also sorry idk if this is the right thread
Intel core i5 10th gen 10400f
Asrock H570
Nvidia 2060
Aresgame AGV650
Case- NZXT 510i
Welcome to the forums, newcomer!

You forgot to mention the make and model of your rams as well as your storage. How are you cooling the processor? Would be a good idea to check and recheck all connections to your components from the PSU.

I'd try and breadboard the system with the bare minimum parts(you will need a discrete GPU since your processor lacks the iGPU).

How old is the PSU in your build?