PC not detecting HDMI connected monitor.


Jan 2, 2013

I am trying to connect my Samsung S24B300 monitor to my PC (graphics card: AMD/ATI Radeon HD 7850 2GB) using an HDMI cable. Previously I had connected it with a VGA cable using a VGA to DVI adapter, and this worked just fine. However, what I am attempting to do is set up dual monitors. My plan is to connect my main monitor (S24B300) to my PC using an HDMI cable and my secondary monitor (Samsung Syncmaster S22B150) using my old method of a VGA to DVI adapter. But, as stated in the title, connecting the monitor to the PC with an HDMI cable does not seem to be working. I have tried switching the display from analog to HDMI, but it just shows a blank screen and then goes back to analog, I have also tried restarting the PC to no avail.

This issue has left me completely stuck and so I reach out to you for advice/solutions. I am also welcoming advice on setting up dual monitors and if there's anything I should know.

Thanks in advance!
hello... first test the monitors hooked up by themselves... to determine if you have some other problem... Once they both work as individual monitors, you must enable dual monitor usage in the operating system software. Your choices will be to "Clone" or "Extend" and which monitor will be your primary or secondary display... and the Display resolution for each.


Jan 2, 2013
Hey, thanks for the reply.

I have tested both monitors and they do indeed both work on their own. When I try to enable dual monitor usage (right clicking the desktop and then going onto Screen Resolution) there is only one monitor detected, and the second is not coming up after I manually press detect. I have also tried detecting it from the AMD VISION Engine Control Center but again, it is not being picked up.
hello... I use Nvidia cards software and Windows7... and have complete success with my Dual monitor setup at first attempt... what I'm saying is it could be your AMD software version or your Windows OS... what versions you using of each? but my experience with AMD is very limited and someone else might help ya better... does plugging into one of the video card connectors disable another? try different connection combinations?


Jan 2, 2013

I just tried linking a laptop to the same monitor with the same HDMI cable and it worked, so I've ruled out hardware issues on everything other than the PC, and I've tried different combinations but again, no luck.

I'm using Windows 7, and the following is a table of all the versions of AMD (wasn't sure which you needed, I'm guessing 12.10)

Driver Packaging Version 9.002-120928m-149042C-ATI
Catalyst Version 12.10
Provider Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
2D Driver Version
2D Driver File Path /REGISTRY/MACHINE/SYSTEM/ControlSet001/Control/CLASS/{4D36E968-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}/0000
Direct3D Version
OpenGL Version
AMD VISION Engine Control Center Version 2012.0928.1532.26058
AMD Audio Driver Version
Hello... a monitor is a passive device... thus a *.inf can be installed to tell windows the name of the device and it's resolution abilities... get from their website.

what does the second monitor say with it just plugged in the Device manager? and the main monitor not hooked up with starting windows? unknown device? or PnP monitor?

Maybe there is a hardware update for Windows for that device... Run Windows update and look at what the hardware recomendations are.


Jan 2, 2013

When only the second monitor is plugged in, it comes up in the list as 'Generic PnP monitor'. I right clicked it and clicked 'Update driver software', and after automatically searching it came up and said the best driver is already installed. Is it possible that there actually is an update available? What does 'generic pnp monitor' mean?
hello... like I said they are a passive device... don't need a driver... and windows cannot read any infomation when using that device... it's no big deal being called an "Generic PnP monitor"... mine say that... and the Device manager list two of them in mine. But you can download a *.inf file from the manufacture do get it to read what ever you like and in the past would let you use non-standard resolutions in Windows.

But all this has to go thru your video card... maybe the 2 monitors are confused as 1 monitor... try to see if there is a *.inf file for your monitors to stop the confusion?

1: You can manually install or add a second "Device" Generic PnP monitor to your "Device Manager" list and use the Samsung driver download.

2: Un-load your Video drivers/programs and re-install with both monitors plugged in?

3: Try a different/earlier/Older version of Catalist?

4: Run Windows update... for hardware drivers... This will answer your previous question.

Always restart the computer after any driver/program change.
Hello... your one line feed back is so vague... What drivers did ya install?

the *.inf file will be in the Samsung driver downloads for each monitor... click on the Blue "Driver" beneath the Black "Manuals" for the S24B300.
Click on the Blue "Driver" to the right of the Black "Manuals" for the S22B150

" .inf " is a file extension and stands for an"Information" file used in most Windows Hardware driver programs... I may be getting too techy for you...

I listed your links for your monitors above... they call them drivers... and will be used to "Update your Drivers" for your monitors in the "Device Manager"... one at a time plugged into windows to get rid of the "Generic PnP monitor" description... or to see if Windows identifies there are 2 different "Samsung Monitors" connected... not just one...

If Windows see two monitors it will work then... you will be GOLDEN!!!!

The above proceedure is #1

I listed four items above for you to try... that involve drivers... or procedures...

Which ones are completed?


Jan 2, 2013

Right, I'll start from scratch :D

I installed the HDMI driver for S24B300. I just restarted my PC and it initially worked; the monitor displayed the Windows logo. However, I did not get further than that, it just went back to a blank screen, however progress has been made! I then plugged the VGA cable in (with the DVI adapter), switched back to analog and proceeded to be able to log in and get to the desktop. However, the resolution only went up to 1600 x 1200, and no monitors at all were detected in the device manager. I went to Device Manager, selected 'scan for hardware changes' and it successfully came back to the proper resolution (1920 x 1080) and the monitor is now known as SyncMaster SB300_24B300HL/S24B300EL (HDMI) in the device manager, but again HDMI does not work. I can only view it using analog.

This is the stage I am at now.

As for the four stages:

1) I could not find a way to manually add a monitor.
2) Didn't work.
3) Didn't work.
4) No change/didn't work.


Jan 2, 2013
Extra information (couldn't edit):

Upon attempting to install the driver for the second monitor (SyncMaster SB150_S22B150N), it just replaces the one I currently have rather than be added on as a second one.
Hello... I have been editing my 2 above replys... to make them clearer... so time to time look back...

the HDMI could be different problem and method to solve...

First we have got to Have Windows see 2 monitors plugged into it...

so plug them both in and tell me what the device manager says to me...OK?

Don't over write any more... you need to add another device... Device type "Display Adapters"... and use the correct driver for the monitor not detected...


Jan 2, 2013
When both are plugged in it still says SyncMaster SB300_24B300HL/S24B300EL (HDMI). Both are currently plugged in using DVI-VGA adapters (as the HDMI does not work) if that makes a difference. The second DVI port however does not seem to work when one monitor is plugged into it... only the top port works.

Sorry if I'm being slow, but what do you mean by use the correct monitor and not the detected driver?
Ok... click Action... Add Legacy Hardware... Next... Install the hardware that I... ... Next... Show All devices... Next... Have Disk... ( point towards file)... OK

let driver install and restart windows...

We want to get windows to see Two Monitors in the Device Manager.

If this doesn't do it's got to be the cards drivers not telling Windows there are 2 monitors plugged in... and also not turning on the HDMI port either...

Thats why I went Nvidia... my experience is alot of extra steps needed with the ATI's/AMD software to get things to work... in Windows.

Like i said before, i'm not the best with advice about AMD Video cards and/or software.


Jan 2, 2013
I'm afraid I didn't understand that last sentence... what is it I need to do if I cannot find the file to install?

Oh I see what you mean. :D I thought ATI/AMD was meant to be easy for this sort of thing, or that's what many people say.