Question PC Not Giving Consistent Results

Sep 23, 2021
Hello, so I'm having trouble with my PC not giving me results that would be expected of it and frame drops in some games. Here is my pc build, VashGZ - Saved Part Lists - PCPartPicker. I mostly play fps games like CS and Valorant and my frames are very inconsistent with what would be expected. For valorant especially I get at max 170 frames and it will drop to 60-70 frames constantly. I've run benchmarks on it and it says everything is working properly so I don't know what else to do. Also one last thing, it will occasionally, not very often though, ramp up the fans on my pc and the computer will freeze. I can still use my mouse and click on some stuff but it doesn't let any videos play or anything else happen. A simple restart will fix the problem though. Thanks in advance for any help you guys can give me!
keep an eye on your system temperatures while gaming and report how they fluctuate in regards to the dips in frame rate.
PC not giving me results that would be expected of it and frame drops in some games
"frame drop" means that the graphics processor didn't render a frame or multiples of them which results in a type of stuttering.
your frame rate running at lower than expected numbers is different than dropping frames.
Playing a game of valorant I had temps of 33-37 for the cpu and 51-57 for the gpu. It never fluctuated out of this range. Also I did mean frame drops, specifically in valorant where my game constantly stutters and fluctuates between 170 to 60 frames. During the game I played I was getting anywhere between 150 and 50 frames at its lowest. So stutturing is very apparent and makes it pretty much unplayable. My windows is up to date as well.