So a couple of weeks ago I turned off my pc with th off/on button bc everything froze. After that my pc didn't want to turn on for like 14 hours after which I kept plugging and unplugging and pressing the on of button and in worked. But now the issue came back and this time its more annoying. My HDD broke 3 days ago and I got bluescreen so I turned off my Pc with the same button again. I tried to put a new one in and again my pc didn't turn on. The next day I spammed the on/off button and my pc turned on. After that I tried updating my bios. I restarted my pc no problem there but when it was about to be updated it turned off again. This time it didn't turn on until today after spamming the on button again. BTW I checked all the cables and ram. Took the mos battery and placed it in again but nothing happened. Also when my pc doesn't turn on it usually does for like 1 second then off. Then nothing untill I take out the cable hold down the power butto so all that excess power gets out and when I try turn it on again it powers on for 1 second then off again. does anyone have the same problem or now how i can fix it. Btw when my pc is turning on the cpu light on motherboard flashes red.