Question PC performance gone bad after factory resetting

Feb 11, 2023
My pc was getting hot while I was gaming so I factory reset the pc, but then after I started to play the same games as before like Valorant, I started getting frame spikes going down to around 100 when I usually average around 190 fps, this never happened before the factory reset. Does anyone know how to fix this problem? Should I reinstall windows to see if that fixes the issue?
Welcome to the forums, newcomer!

When posting a thread of troubleshooting nature, it's customary to include your full system's specs. Please list the specs to your build like so:
include the fans used in your case and the orientation of the fans in said case. Also, what are your ambient room temps?

As for your statement;
My pc was getting hot while I was gaming so I factory reset the pc,
Can you elaborate on what you're referring to with factory reset? Did you tamper with the OS or BIOS or did you just reboot the system?
First of all your temperatures have nothing to do with your windows installation, unless you monkeyed with things and changed settings that I’m unaware of

Second of all resetting the PC usually destroys the operating system completely in my experience so you’re better off with a clean install start over but it sounds like you need to have the PC properly cleaned out and the thermal pads replaced

perhaps you need to invest in a better cooling system