Question PC randomly not working properly


Dec 3, 2016
Hello, so yesterday my PC was running fine like it should be. Tonight, I launched a game (Marvel Spiderman Remastered Steam for example) and it kept crashing saying that dxgi error (google it you'll know).

Once it crashed I launched it again a few more times and it crashed every time then I ran it again and this time it crashes my whole PC, specifically BSOD (just couldn't see the blue screen because I was still in game). The I launched like 2 other games and they crashed to the desktop and crashed my PC again as well so now I cannot play any of my games. I did a system restore point but that didn't fix it.

When I got into the desktop, the start menu was not working, its giving me that critical error message. Then my Audio service is not working as well. All I did was update my display driver using Nvidia GeForce Experience to the latest version. I did nothing else after that. I don't know how or why this is happening. If anybody can really help me I would be greatly appreciated. Please help me so that I don't have to reset my PC again like the last few times I had problems related to this.

Here is my Dump File don't know if it'll be useful
dxgi sounds like GPU driver error

I would run ddu in safe mode, remove GPU drivers and once back in normal mode, reinstall perhaps the next newest drivers. Or try new ones, could have been a bad install

I will look at dumps but well, my VM is updating windows so I will comment later.
dxgi sounds like GPU driver error

I would run ddu in safe mode, remove GPU drivers and once back in normal mode, reinstall perhaps the next newest drivers. Or try new ones, could have been a bad install

I will look at dumps but well, my VM is updating windows so I will comment later.
Well dxgi error that only comes from Spider-Man. All the other games I play don’t do that. They just crash to the desktop without anything or crash my whole pc and restarts. But one comment on Reddit said that I should just try sfc scannow which I already did last night and clverified no violations it sai led then do down online cleanup restorehealth. And if that doesn’t work I would just do an “in place upgrade”. If that does not work as well I think I’ll try what you just told me
Is this 10 or 11? I assume inplace upgrade = a repair install. Let me look at dumps first. If all you did was update GPU drivers, rolling them back should fix it.

DXGI still appears to be a GPU driver error. disabling Ray tracing is also mentioned as a fix

sfc only help if problem is windows.
conversion of dump

report - click run as fiddle to read (mostly for me)

File: 032823-95593-01.dmp (Mar 29 2023 - 13:02:08)
Probably caused by: memory_corruption (Process: System)
Uptime: 0 Day(s), 0 Hour(s), 20 Min(s), and 03 Sec(s)

thats a GPU driver error all right
So it was the driver that I installed that messed everything up. Is there a way I can revert to the last update of NVIDIA GeForce driver? I’m kinda nervous about doing it because the last time I did that I kept getting blue screens so I just reset pc to default factory. I think it was an older driver that did that but I don’t know. Just try and reinstall the driver?
Is this 10 or 11? I assume inplace upgrade = a repair install. Let me look at dumps first. If all you did was update GPU drivers, rolling them back should fix it.

DXGI still appears to be a GPU driver error. disabling Ray tracing is also mentioned as a fix

sfc only help if problem is windows.
Hello? Hope you’re still there but yeah I have windows 10