I am using a C-NET cnig 914 broadband router and everithing was ok for couple months.When i was trying to upate the firmware on the router i downloaded the files for this specific router and strated updating and than some something strange happend i dont know what.Now when i connect to the router it connects but the router dont give me ip addres it is like and subnet mask the cable is working and the router is detecting the lan but only it cant give me ip addres.Now when i click repair it takes long time and gives me this ip and i cannot see the default gateway and i cannot ping the router and i dont know the routers ip.I tried using The default but i cannot acces the router in any way i tryed also using which i was using before but doesnt work eighter.Now i try to reset the router to its default setting using the reset button on the back but i doesnt restarts (the button works fine).My question is if i am connected to lan with the router it must have some ip and how to see it and try to acces it trought web browser.And also if it is possible to acces the router in some other way than throught browser maybe with some other software or if there is some software to see its ip.Thanks in advance and sorry for the long post but i think it is a serious problem if there is something wrong with the router that cant be fixed it is still under warranty and i can still return.Tnx and pls someone help me!