[SOLVED] PC was working fine for about a month, but now randomly shuts off or restarts and even won’t turn on at times?

May 26, 2020
Specs: https://pcpartpicker.com/user/Bhuff34/saved/#view=LDXJf7

I don’t know if this is my CPU, Water cooler making it overheat, PSU, or even possibly my motherboard.
The first time it happened a couple of weeks ago I got it to power up again. And it worked fine for about 2 weeks. Then yesterday it shut down randomly and wouldn’t turn on. I eventually got it to turn on and power up. After about 2 hours it went back to not booting up.
Also sometimes I’m able to get to windows sign inbut once I do it powers of again?
(CPU temps 38-50)
Thanks in advance!

Try unplugging your PC, hold down the power button for about 5-10 seconds, plug the PC back in and try to boot. Further, as said before it sounds like a failing power supply.
WHen it does work, monitor/examine the temps w/ HWmonitor or similar..

Certainly a PSU failing can occasionally refuse to power on as well, or, lead to instantaneous poweroffs.
Thanks! Also forgot to mention after the first time I switched power surge slots, but that didn’t work this time.

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