Question Pc won’t turn on sometimes after left turned off overnight

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Oct 1, 2020
Hey guys, is everything alright? Long time lurker, first time poster here.
Before I post my problem I’d like to thank all of you for the useful information I have found here so far, it has helped me to build my computer and I learned a lot!

So, for the actual issue:

In January I built my new computer and used it for about 5 months without any issues, but since then, it won‘t start in the first try if I leave it off overnight. The motherboard LED is on which indicates its receiving energy from the PSU, besides that, its like the computer is dead. After a few tries it finally boots and everything works flawlessly except by the clock: it’s always in the wrong time. This issue appears to be completely random. There are days where I need to keep trying to turn it on for 30 minutes and others where it only boots after 12 hours. After boot I can restart or turn off real quick If needed and it will keep working. The problem seems to happen only after a few hours with the computer off.

At first I thought it was a MOBO problem and sent it to the RMA, when it got there, tests were made and turns out the mobo is working, so they sent it back. Since then, I have been keeping the computer at Sleep Mode overnight so I can access it in the morning next day. This worked for a week before new problems started happening: now it wont come out of sleep mode sometimes and when I cut power to reset it, it goes back to the first problem, where it will randomly boot after sometime. The only difference I can tell is that the orange pulsating mobo light is now solid when its not working (When it starts it starts pulsating again).

Aaaaaalright thanks for the patience so far keep up with me

I started running some tests helped by some threads I found here and so far nothing fixed the issue. Here is the list of what I have done so far:

  • Tested PSU (did the clip test and it worked);
  • Breadboarded the pc (it wont boot even after shorting the POWER SW pins);
  • Reseated CPU and reapplied thermal paste (no pins were bent in the process);
  • Checked mobo stands (everything in place);
  • Triple checked every cable in the build;
  • Cleared CMOS;
  • Changed CMOS battery;
  • Reseted Bios settings;
  • Updated Bios to latest version (bios version 2203);
  • Performed a clean Windows 10 install;
  • Disabled Fast boot both on windows and bios;
My build:
Windows 10
CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 3600
MOBO: Asus Prime B450M-A
RAM: 2x8gb Corsair Vengeance XLP
PSU: Corsair CX550
Storage: Sandisk SSD Plus 240gb (system is here)
Barracuda 2tb
Old WD Blue 500gb

Anybody knows what is this? I’m getting crazy waiting on sleeping beauty here feeling like booting every morning.
Thanks in advance you guys!
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  • Tested PSU (did the clip test and it worked);
The paperclip test doesn't indicate how much power the PSU can effectively output. In fact, I'm leaning towards a grounding issue in your crib if the BIOS clock is always on the wrong time. You might want to also see if replacing the CMOS battery(again with a fresh cell) helps change the issue.

You forgot to include the make and model of your GPU. A lot of people state that they're on the latest BIOS, it's best if you mentioned which BIOS version you're currently on.

If you're on an SSD equipped system, booting shouldn't take you more than 30 seconds to get to the desktop, which leads me to ask, why leave the system on at all if you're not using it? The system still has to deal with vampiric power draw which is why it's ideal to turn off the wall socket when not using your desktop(after powering down).
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I totally forgot about the GPU, my bad. It’s a EVGA Nvidia Geforce Gtx 1660Ti.
I also replaced the CMOS baterry with a fresh cell without success.
As soon as I can turn it on I’ll get the bios info and post here.
My only reason to keep the computer on is because everytime I turn it off its pretty much impossible to tell when it’s going to turn on again.
(just realized the title was misleading, the computer wont turn on after I shut it down for the night)

About the grounding issue. During one of my searches I saw someone with a similar problem leading to be a ground issue. With that in mind, yesterday I noticed that if I touch my case barefooted I get a constant tingling when the pc is plugged to the wall. I did testes in other rooms and I still get tingled. I’ll try to get my computer to someone else’s house so I can test it there and I’ll leave the results here.

If it’s not much to ask (completely noob in electrics here), could you explain why this grounding issue would cause this problem?

Thank you so much!
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Hello, I am having this exact same problem. It is driving me crazy and I have spent my saving trying to get this fixed. i have thought of buying a new motherboard. Will this fix the problem? And have you found a solution to your problem? Please reply thank you in advance.
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