So I built my PC today and had it reunning perfectly, all the system was good and I restarted it a few times to update the bios and what not.
But then I ran into an issue of my SSD not showing so I changed it's slot and then finally I could access it!
So then I wanted to move my windows over to my SSD, so I clonned the HDD to my SSD and restarted my computer because I wanted to changed the boot up drive via the BIOS.
But now all I get is a blank screen and now error message or anything - and now my keyboard or mouse don't even light up like they aren't even connected
My Specs are:
AMD Ryzen 7 2700x
MSI X470 Gaming Pro
Geforce RTX 2060
16GB Viper Ram
Please help i'm going crazy!!!
So I built my PC today and had it reunning perfectly, all the system was good and I restarted it a few times to update the bios and what not.
But then I ran into an issue of my SSD not showing so I changed it's slot and then finally I could access it!
So then I wanted to move my windows over to my SSD, so I clonned the HDD to my SSD and restarted my computer because I wanted to changed the boot up drive via the BIOS.
But now all I get is a blank screen and now error message or anything - and now my keyboard or mouse don't even light up like they aren't even connected
My Specs are:
AMD Ryzen 7 2700x
MSI X470 Gaming Pro
Geforce RTX 2060
16GB Viper Ram
Please help i'm going crazy!!!