Question Pcpartpicker build, want to double check with someone to make sure it is good.


Mar 6, 2018
Hello, I had a few questions about this build I am going to do. It involves the Meshify C and I want to make sure that everything is ok. I already have my graphics card and im pretty sure there is enough clearance if I want to front mount my radiator. What im really looking to do is to top mount it because i think it looks cooler and I have a blower style card so temps wont be affected too bad. I just want to make sure that my radiator wont hit my motherboard or my ram or anything like that. If anybody has built a computer in this case please tell me because I want to make sure. Also I did check the power supply clearance and it seems to be good but im not sure if it is correct or not. That is basically it, Thanks.
What GPU do you have?
750W is probably excessive for what you have, but won't do any harm.
Also liquid cooler isn't necessary if you're just looking at cooling power. Top air coolers do just as well if not better. Just a thought to consider.
I have this GPU: ti&cm_re=gtx_1070_ti-_-14-487-386-_-Product and I'm mostly going with water cooling because it looks cooler in my opinion. If I was going for a price to performance thingy I would probably get an air cooler.