Question Peace of mind question - - - can you store a laptop next to a power strip ?


Apr 20, 2018
Done some cleaning and finally found the perfect place for my laptop but it's next to a power strip that I turn on/off once a day. I know it's probably fine but I'm nervous and poor.

Is it fine? Thank you for reading my question.
Completely fine. Also, if nothing is plugged into it or it is shut off, then there wouldn't be any power going through it (power strip), if you are somehow thinking that the "power" in it might hurt nearby electronics like your laptop. If you had something plugged into it that was actively taking power, you'd be fine also since your device is most likely shielded from electromagnetic fields that could harm or affect it. Not sure the power strip would be shielded to prevent emissions so well, but your laptop likely is to an extent.