Performance issues despite a strong Overclock


Jan 21, 2015
I've been struggling with this for a few days now and have finally turned to making a thread in the hope of gaining some insight into the solution to my problem.

I recently purchased a second gtx670 card in order to give SLI a little go. I got little to no increase across the board on anything and so delved deep into the internet to find out why. I've learnt a lot in the past couple of days that I didn't know before and I suppose I am still a bit of a novice when it comes to technicalities.

Essentially - I've learnt that the reason I see no benefit from an SLI setup is because my CPU is bottlenecking me. The problem with that is I don't understand why.

I'm running an i7 3770k clocked up to 4.6ghz, 16gb of RAM and an AsRock z77 extreme4 mobo. All I am trying to do is run Smite on 150fps, which shouldn't be much to ask given that it isn't that graphically demanding. I've checked some stats and noticed that with a single card setup my GPU doesn't go beyond 50-60% power while a couple of the cores in my CPU seem to be taking the bulk of the load and maxing out, and not giving my GPU much chance of taking over. (In an SLI setup the GPU load is even lower - around 35-40%).

My main issue here is that a team mate of mine is running a lower rate i5 and a 660ti card but still getting 150fps constantly, and that's without an overclock. I'm really struggling to understand why my CPU is struggling with something like this, given that the temps never exceed about 55deg and that its clocked way up. I've researched into optimising the BIOS for my mobo with my processor and seen no improvements.

If anybody has any suggestions whatsoever that would be very much appreciated. Cheers!
I should add that the problem has not altered after a fresh install of windows as well as the latest BIOS update for my mobo and the latest NVIDIA drivers.
can be a side effect of hyperthreading
or unstable overclock ( means throwing errors due to which performance decreases but system doesn't bsod)

try to run cpu at stock clocks
and try a run with hyperthreading off

btw why 150fps ?
i don't own that game but for games i think 60fps is good (or 120fps max )
Thanks for the suggestions - I have tried a number of combinations including booting at stock speed, as well as the lazy built in mobo overclock and now a more advanced custom one. All of them have yielded the same results. However I am yet to try turning hyper threading off so that is something I will test this evening.

In terms of the fps I'm after don't get me wrong my current performance is decent. 150 is the maximum that the game can output and if systems with a lower spec can achieve it then why can't mine? Furthermore I occasionally game capture with OBS and also stream. I take an additional fps drop there so I'd like to get as much bang for my buck as I can.

Any other ideas would be awsum thanks all!