[SOLVED] Peripherals and Monitors blink in and out when i plug my Oculus in


May 14, 2018
I doubt this is a power supply issue so I am posting this here
My Setup: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/cGYjb8

Recently moved and when i got my station setup i moved on to setting up my 2 Oculus sensors. after that and plugging in my headset i noticed one of my monitors blink on and off for a second which is pretty normal when my oculus first boots up but then my keyboard, mouse, wireless headset receiver, and same monitor would continuously power up and down, and the oculus app was reading my sensors also doing this. now this isn't the first time i had this issue. I used to have a 650 PSU and a GTX 970 and i would usually just unplug my second monitor for the time being and be done with it but i had no issues with this after upgrading. I am going to continue to test having different USB's plugged into different slots and probably look for USB Driver updates. the move went smooth as hell the only thing was that my PC was in a hot car for maybe a bit too long. 4-5 hours or so.

Let me know if anyone has had similar issues or if maybe i just have way to much plugged in, I am using 8 or 9 of my 10 USB slots when everything's plugged so maybe I am just giving my computer too much to think about.

EDIT: was using a USB extension for one of my sensors and that seemed to be causing the issue
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It could be but not saying it is. I have had some issues with VR and USB extensions before which got me to install a PCIxe USB extension and that worked good for me.

Have you tried reinstalling the OCULUS app and all the drivers?
Reinstalled App and updated Oculus drivers, still worked funky. i actually tried not using the USB Extension and that seemed to work. dont suppose you can link me that thing you installed for it?