Phenom II 555 -> FX 4100 - An Upgrade or Sidegrade?

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Mar 22, 2011
So, I currently have an AMD Phenom II 555 3.2Ghz processor that I had initially hoped to unlock, but after many failed attempts, i had given up, now I have the chance to upgrade, and I was originally planning to buy the Phenom II 960T as it had a 95W TDP ( I foolishly bought the M5A78L-M LX which had a max TDP of 95W) but the deal ended and it reverted back to it's base price of £120.

This left me with the £85 FX-4100 and I'm still speculating over the performance as there aren't that many in depth review on it, I have a CoolerMaster Hyper TX3 which I was planning to use to OC the FX to >4Ghz to achieve decent performance and I was just wondering if it was worth getting it, either factual information or personal experience only please.

[ Side Question : Would I need to buy thermal compound remover to use on my CoolerMaster Hyper TX3 before I move it the FX using the same thermal paste? ]

Thanks in advance!



Oct 30, 2011

Hey bro, as for the thermal paste a simple rubbing alcohol will do make sure the surface is clean before reapply paste. As for Phenom II 555 to FX4100 yes it is an upgrade not really a it worth it? yeah go for it but don't expect dramatic performance increase the FX chips do not fair munch better then Phenom II's. IF you want to unlock the cpu you need a board that supports ACC and what stepping is your 555? not all unlock and even so some not stable. Hope this helps.


Mar 22, 2011
Board supports ACC and has it's own unlocking system ( I tried manual and auto ) and it's C3 Stepping, I can quite easily OC it to 4.2Ghz. Thanks for the Thermal paste issue too!

I was wondering what kind of difference it would make in games like BF3 multiplier that eat cores for breakfast? ( Or "Modules")


Oct 30, 2011

Your welcome bro, bummer on cpu side though. IT should have unlocked but guess either your chip and/or board aren't seeing eye to eye. A quad core is good enough, games don't run on more then 2 to 4 cores anyways and BF3 is really gpu intense but cpu limitation can occur. the FX4100 is good enough don't waste money on 6100 or 8150 unless your into encoding and other multicore/module intense tasking. Use the extra cahs for a nice gpu with 4100 and you should be solid....OH and 4100 can hit 4.0+. CHEERS!
A phenom II X4 would be better than the FX-4100. The FX series is a bust, I have a FX-6100 that I don't even use because my Phenom II X4 980 outperforms it across the board. So you want a 4 core processor with a max TDP of 95W? Well since AMD stopped producing Phenom II's they're getting harder to find. The 960T would have been my recommendation as it is easily unlocked to 6 cores and runs 95W. If you don't want to upgrade motherboard then I suppose the FX-4100 or FX-6100 are the only other options unless you want to save up some more money and get a mobo and cpu. Keep in mind that the FX-4100 has pseudocores meaning its really a 2 core chip with 2 threads per core and AMD markets it as a 4 core. The problem I had with my FX-6100 is that most software treats it like a 3 core instead of the 6 core AMD claims. So I guess a FX-4100 would technically be an upgrade but I don't think the difference will be noticable in gaming. The FX series also has a terrible IPC (Iterations per Clock/Cycle). With 80% or less efficiency it really let a lot of us AMD folk down. Thats why its hard for me to tell someone the FX is worth while.


Mar 22, 2011
Oh, I have a HD 6870 as my GPU it will be paired with, I wanted a 960T to begin with but I can't get it right now, from reviews I've seen with the horrid IPC, it is somewhat cured when it's overclocked to around 4.2Ghz, I'm just wondering how much of an improvement I'll see when i's overclocked versus my stock II 555.


Oct 30, 2011

^+1 to this comment cant disagree with you but he should notice better performance over Phenom II 555, FX 4100 would be a solid choice for him, but seeing how he was unsuccessful with unlocking cores before it would be bad choice to recommend going after another chip to "unlock" cores what if the same thing happens and he gets faulty chip without core unlock? he would be back to square one again.


From a Dual 555 to a quad(ish) FX-4100 is an ok upgrade mainly just because of the extra 2 cores. The FX line was kind of a flop and in the case of the 4100 & 6100 actually get out performed in almost every way by the previous generation PhenomII X4 and X6 units.

All the same unless you have an AM3+ board you cant run the FX anyways.
My suggestion would be to save that extra $20 and get the 960T. This chip has no problem hitting 4+ Ghz (I own one) And also has a very high chance of unlocking to an X6. I can clock mine in X6 mode to 3.7Ghz on 1.35Vcore.

This is hands down the best bang for your buck AMD chip right now


Oct 30, 2011
@CM186 he's board is a AM3+ even though I agree a 960T is damn good buy, an FX is more future proof for him with newer instructions and yes software updates cant help hardware but so munch, who knows what software developers are making and having newer hardware will benefit him down the long run. Including future AMD gpu, bios updates, etc etc. BTW x6 on 3.7 with 1.35 is pretty freaking sweet spot right there. lol


Nov 19, 2007
@cm186 True, but I think he wants to play BF 3 now and not later. The 555 just won't cut it on multiplayer.


£120 to £85 is quite a difference, and will get you where it will be more playable.



Eh idk about all that, the PII's are faster than the FX's so why not just buy the faster CPU for now and wait to see if PD improves the software utilization/low IPC issues that currently hinder the FX line ? It seems to make more sense then living with a slower CPU in hops that they fix it.
Thanks man, I usually just clock the 4X as it's faster in most applications but it is nice to have the X6 if i need it for heavier projects !

Well because the phenom II is more expensive, most of them run at 125w TPD and his motherboard has a 95w TPD max. So he needs a lower power consumption CPU. The 960T would work but its become hard to get due its awesomeness and AMD stopped manufacturing them. Get an FX-4100, it will be good for your use and should help. You have a nice GPU, maybe consider getting a 2nd one in a few months and crossfiring and you run BF3 like a boss.


Oct 30, 2011

True can't deny that statement, good one sir. I reviewed some benchmarks 960T would be faster most software. :whistle:

good find dude!

@Yummerzzz - this is what you need to get. As a 4 core it will outperform the FX-4100 even if you have your 960T @ stock and FX-4100 @ 4.5ghz. The 960t will still smoke it. The 960T is the phenom II X6 with two cores disabled. I've seen way more people unlock the two extra cores than I have seen unable to do so. This is a stellar deal that wr6133 found and if you can afford it its a must buy. I kind of want one now lol.


Nov 19, 2007

Some people are wayy too funny. 960T is 3.0 ghz stock, the 955 in this article is 3.2 ghz

FX 4100 get smoked at 4.5 ghz ... take another hit, someone is definately smoking,3120-9.html

4.5 ghz FX-4100 is faster every time than a stock 955. Now if you would have been a bit more ... realistic, say 4.0 ghz vs 4.5 .. ya the phenom wins, one would expect it to since the FX-4100 is only 80% efficient as a quad core cpu.


Mar 22, 2011
Wait, looking at this chart it shows the Phenom II 955 @ 4Ghz is pretty much equal to the FX-4100 @ 4.5Ghz, and since the Zosma 960T is slower than the Deneb (IIRC), @ 4Ghz it would be pretty much equal, right?


Nov 19, 2007

only advantage is if the 960T unlocks to an x6, youve already had one that failed to unlock so you know what the gamble is.
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