Phenom II 965, old MB - fan problems after 2 days


May 21, 2012
Hello, I have just bought new phenom II 965 and running it on Asrock ALiveNF5-eSATA2+ MB (beta bios). Cpu is supported and it works fine. It is a bit undervolted because of cheap stock cooler though. In first days everything was fine, with Asrock cpu quiet fan enabled and default fan speed lvl 7 (it was quite loud). When cpu goes hot fan speed increased even up to over 4500 rpm, it was loud but cpu was quite cold.

Today I noticed, that (with default fan speed set to 5 in order to be less loud) fan speed won't go over c.a. 3500 rpm no matter cpu temperature is. I tried to set up higher default fan speed (up to 9 - c.a. 3300-3400 rpm), but when CPU became hot, fan speed increases slightly only to 3500 rpm. With Cpu quiet fan disabled fan speed is c.a. 3500 rpm. It seems to low.

What can be wrong ? I think I have checked every bios option that could have impact on fan speed. Could be some hardware damaged (which component does control fan speed - cpu or mobo ?)

EDIT - I am not sure, but it seems it is slower at lvl 9 now than it was at lvl 7 some days ago. As far as I remember it was louder on the default 7 lvl when I first ran it.

EDIT2: there are fan speeds for different ASrock cpu quiet fan lvls.

1. ~1600
2. ~1800
3. ~2050
4. ~2250
5. ~2450
6. ~2700
7. ~2850
8. ~3150
9. ~3300
disabled: ~3450
Don't familiar with asrock bios but, have u turn it back to default lv 7 if the rpm return to normal? (or reset cmos)

the only thing i can think of is changing the lvl disable automatic fan controller, it can be re enable at bios (or simply reset the bios to default).

p2 be fan is monster rpm but it do the job fine... (u can do minor oc with it)
whilst I don't completely understand your question, it sounds like you're kneecapping yourself for the sake of saving 40 bucks spent on an after market fan like a cooler master hyper 212 evo.

You have a damn nice Cpu there, don't neuter it for the sake of a few bucks.

I have tried setting fan spped back to lvl 7 - it doesn't change this strange behavior.

Are You talking about disabling cpu quiet fan ? I have tried it also, it does not work, speed is 3450, that is too low (2 days ago with cpu quiet fan enabled fan speed was almost 5000 when cpu got hot).

I also reloaded default bios settings but it didn't change anything. I am a bit affraid of resetting bios - I have destroyed one mobo this way some yrs ago (I did it just wrong ;-) ).

Hello, my english isn't perfect, so I'll try to put things simple - my CPU fan is working much lower than it used to be. I'd like to know what is causing problems. If it's mobo for example giving too low voltage to cpu fan, changing cooler doesn't make sense.
When this fan worked like it should be, there were no problems with cpu temp.

EDIT: I reset bios settings via jumper - unfortunately no change. I't like to know what cpu fan connector voltage should be - I could try to check mine. Also if voltage would be incorrect - what could be responsible cpu or mobo ?

EDIT2: Got it ! full voltage should be 12V and in case of quiet fan - from 5V or a bit more up to 12V.
It has 4 pins - ground, +12V, fan speed, fan speed control. What's the difference between last two ?

EDIT3: Ok, so I did some tests and it looks like that it is not voltage that controls fan speed (it was 12V for every speed). I also did one more test and connected my arctic cooler 64 pro fan to mobo and it worked on 2400 rpm what is even more than max speed of this fan. So this fan works ok.
It seems problem is related to fan or mobo has problem with this particular fan.

EDIT4: I would be grateful if someone, preferably with ASrock mobo, could post Phenom II X4 fan speeds at different cpu quiet fan lvls.