Phenom II x4 B50 + Stock Cooler


Aug 15, 2009
Ok I have probably asked this question about 3 times but I need 1 more confirmation because I want to leave a stress test running overnight.

Ok atm Im running Phenom II x2 550 at stock speeds 3.1GHz

my temps are

26-34C idle

when playing gta 4

my temps go up to somewhere like 52C last time I checked

Will I be able to run a Phenom II x4 B50 with stock heatsink and fan, im not overclocking just unlocking the 2 cores.

I want to run prime95 overnight to see if the 4cores are stable and I don't want anything to overheat.

So yeh the question stands as

Will my stock heatsink and fan run my Phenom II x4 B50 for everyday use mostly gaming without any chance of overheating.

ok im off to bed for the night but b4 i go. i have to say that these cores i have a good feeling they are stable. i played gta 4 for about 5 minutes just to test. my fps was pretty much constantly 45 and it barely droped below 35 this cpu wen unlocked is so bloody good!. if only i knew my temps where ok.