Phenom II x6 1090T Broken Pin Situation

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Jul 18, 2009
I have owned the Phenom II x6 1090T for about three months now. Today (about 20 minutes ago), I was removing the heatsink to re-orient it to create better airflow in my case. Upon removal of my heatsink, the bond between the heatsink and the CPU (due to AS5) was so great that the CPU ripped out of the socket. It bent one pin very severely. The pin highlighted in red below was the one that bent.


Small tools are scarce here at my workplace and fixing it was proving very difficult. Just when I thought I was making some progress, the pin snapped off the CPU and fell on the ground. I never could recover the pin.

I scrounged around my workplace for a spare CPU to salvage a pin no avail. There were no replacement pins.

So I decided to give it a try with 940 contacts instead of 941. It worked flawlessly. :eek: Upon POST, the computer detected that I had a new processor :heink: and reset my BIOS to defaults.

In CPU-Z, everything seems A-OK and the computer is 100% stable and running as if it had never lost that one pin. :bounce:

I have no idea what function that one pin did, but it is apparent that it is not vital.

I hope this story is informative in terms of what pins can be removed and still have 100% functionality.

If anyone else has any similar stories, I would love to hear them. Thanks! :hello:


Jul 18, 2009
Thanks for the reply.

I have a great local jeweler that can probably fix CPU pins if I ever somehow manage to break another one.

The lesson learned from this is to twist the heatsink off slowly instead of pulling straight up like a carrot from the ground.
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