PictureTel PTZ2N slams to right with power applied


Jan 10, 2013
My PictureTel PTZ2N moves to the right and down when power is applied. I have it apart, but have no idea what is wrong. Anyone have any info? It was in a location where it got way too hot. A big mistake to put it there.

Far from warranty! What makes me feel bad is I set it on top of a lamp temporarily and my wife turned on the lamp. The PTZ2N got hotter than hades. I read one time about someone having a similar situation so far as the camera turning right and down when power was applied. I don't know whether he ever found the solution, but anyway, that's where I am with it. It was working OK until it got the heat treatment. Stupid thing to do on my part but probably not the last.

In the base of the camera there is a dual layer circuit board the diameter of the base. At first I thought the trouble might be a couple power transistors that are mounted right near the connector for the motor, One is a PNP and one is an NPN, but they are both OK. I looked over the board with a five power magnifying glass and spotted a pair of BCP69 medium power transistors that are physically damaged. No question they are bad. There is another pair close to the first pair. The second pair look good so far as appearance. I have replacement transistors on order, but that doesn't mean they will solve the problem. Time will tell and I will let you know. I'm a newcomer but I'm 83. Wayne

Have you ever found anymore information on the PTZ-2n? I have one that I am trying to resurect but can't find any service manual or any other operational manuals any where. It is also known as the Power 100 camera. It is so old I don't understand no information available.