Ping up to 22kms and 100 percent packet loss

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Deleted member 1588519

Hey guys. Out of nowhere I started to get huge ping in games (from 50ms, which is an avarage for me, I am getting like 22kms), so I decided to check with some ping meter websites and discovered that I am getting rather huge packet loss, which is supposed to be 100 percent. Any idea where might be the problem?
This is my result from Pingplotter:
It seems that a hop number six is the problem, but I don't really understand this, so if anyone could help, that would be nice.
This probably is normal, i.e., ICMP traffic to your IP address probably is not allowed for security...

Nothing as I havent reported it yet. That's because there was a technician here today to "repair the connection", but that is a long story. Do you think it might be problem on their side?
Did you have the issue before the technician came in for a repair? The ISP can verify the link between your modem and their equipment. The issue could be internal if you have bad wiring (you probably are responsible for that part) or outside (you normally are not responsible for any issue outside of your place).

Well I had problem with high latency, but I wasn't aware of the packet loss, so to answer your question, I did have some problems, but not that serious as now. Nevertheless there was a nation wide problem with virus, which basically set all routers to the factory setup, which is the reason the technician came.

So I talked to the ISP and he said that the problem can't be on their side. He said that the problem might be somewhere in the network in our house, which is kinda strange, given the fact that the technician was here earlier today. No matter where I test it ( for instance) it always says all packets were sent yet none recieved, or better to say 100% packet loss.
I presume the ISP connected to your modem or router and they had no issues at all? How did you connect to if you have issues? Is your IP address static or dynamic? If dynamic, are you sure you are pinging the correct IP address? To test, is you PC connected directly to your modem?

Well at first, he said there was a problem with another IP conflicting with mine, so he changed it, nevertheless that did not solve the issue. Afterwards he informed me that he can't see any other problem on their side (said that ping looks fine from where he sits) and offered me a technician (who would probably arrive like after 3 days and would cost something). Therefore I would prefere some kind of "community" solution or help, before I decide to call technician again.

I think my IP address is static. I connected to normally - to make it more understandable - my connection is working, I can surf the internet, even though I have to admit it's bit slower then normally, nevertheless I experience the issue most when I am trying to play online - with that issue it's impossible - I have huge ping which jumps for 50ms up to 20kms and then back, sometimes it kicks me completely for "loosing the connection to the server". Before you even ask, it's not the problem of one particular game, I tested it in several games to be sure. Plus the results from pingplotter and speak for themselves. I even tried to test it wireless, but the results were all the same. The modem is in the attic, so I have no means how to test it right now, but I will try in the evening with my flatmates laptop.

As I said, i am no expert myself so I am not sure how to test it all. Currently I tried to ping my router (I guess) which is connected with my pc via wire. I tried even wireless but the results were the same. To test the modem, I would have to connect the aerial (??) to my pc dirrectly, right? And I have no idea how to ping my ISP modem or server. If you could elaborate I would be most grateful. BTW I use ADSL, if it helps in any way.

I have ADSL, so yes, I use satellite connection.

Yeah, exactly as you said. The ping to my router looks as shown via the picture
BTW if it helps, my ISPs website says they use a "radio technology" IEEE 802.11a, 802.11n and 802.11ac (dunno what that means, but it might help)
I can not access the file. Says page not found/files does not exist.
IEEE 802.11a/n/ac are wifi specifications/technologies, 802.11ac is the newest and the fastest, where 802.11a is the slowest.
So your ISP gives you connection via wifi?

Try this
Well I have an aerial on my roof, so yes, the signal is send by air. The aerial is connected to the POE adapter which is connected to my router (TP - Link) which is connected via wire to my pc.
What are the upload and download speeds? If you have a satellite connection, then you may have something similar to an ADSL connection to upload and a satellite connection to download. There has to be a reason why the modem is in the attic; ADSL and cable modems never are installed in the attic.
There is nothing wrong with your network as far as i can see. The problem lies outside your network.
Try this -
1. Open run, type cmd, press enter.
2. type this - "ping" then try "ping"
How is the ping? If it is good, probably the speedtest server itself is faulty.

This a picture from showing a 100% packet loss.
This a picture from showing my download and upload speed.
By the way, i see packet loss is at . Pinged that from my end and i have connection with it. So most likely problem lies with your isp.


So you say I should call them again and say there is a problem on their side, with (which is server??no?)?
Should be a gateway. But not sure. You can try calling them.
Try pinging it manually like i did.
Also did your router got reset?

Edit: Try to ping from another connection. Like a neighbor or a friend that uses the same isp as you.
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