
Anyone have experience in working with PoE (Power over Ethernet)?

Mainly used to power a phone system over your ethenet cable elminating the need for power recepticles for multiple devices.

We're looking at putting in a couple systems, but after running the numbers and weighing the benefits of it, I don't really see the benefit to doing it.

We're also looking at putting in VoIP in some sections using PoE, but again, I don't see the major benefit.

I'm looking to find out what kind of problems others may have experienced with PoE, how it effects troubleshooting if you have the phone and PC in a serial type connection instead of independent cables running to each.

Either way, we have to purchase a UPS to power the phones without power, switching to PoE would reduce the need for power recepticles and the AC adapter, but that's all I see as a benefit.

We would need to purchase a PoE capable switch at $1200 a piece, plus the UPS. I don't really see the benefit in that.

Anyone's experience with this type of configuration is welcomed.


Jul 6, 2004
I've never done it but from an evaluation standpoint, about the only use I can see for this is to go somewhere there is currently no power and only have to run 1 line. Seems a very small niche opportunity, or I'm missing a huge benefit...



A couple in my IT group want to do it for some reason. I don't really see the benefit of it really.

The building is already there, money was spent building a whole new office, now my group wants to put this stuff in. We just purchased 4 new 24 port linksys gigabit switches but we'd have to purchase more switches for the phone lines now at $1200 a piece. 2 switches would cover all the phone lines.

Just seems stupid and it's adding in something else for troubleshooting when the computer or phone isn't work. Plus, someone would need to be trained on site to administer the system.

Not worth it in my opinion. My group says "But it's cool." Great.


Oct 22, 2012
1200 for a PoE switch is pretty steep. Check out Panoptic, they make PoE switches that provide full power to all ports and are not nearly as expensive. PoE switches are nice if you need remote management.